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"So, how was it?" Nick questioned.

"Yeah, did you see any Greivers?"

"Were you scared?"

Questions came at you and the other Runners quickly, ruining what, you had hoped would be, peace and quiet. Everyone was sitting under the shade of Homestead. You were leaning against a tree, with Newt and Minho on one side of you, Nick on the other. Some were answering questions, some were drinking water, others were having their own conversations. You were looking at Nick, who was asking you too many questions with too few breaks in between. When you tried to answer, he would begin another question.

"All right, you shanks. Get back to work." A voice rang out. Gladers rose to leave, as Nick said, "Don't forget about dinner."

"Never." You assured him, flashing a smile.

James stood, with his arms crossed, waiting for him to leave. "Ahem."

Nick held his hands up in surrender.

James looked at all of you, sitting under the tree in the fading daylight. The light and cheerful chatter had long since stopped, leaving a deafening silence.

"Come with me," he said. He led you closer to the woods then you'd ever gone. Ben took a seat, and everyone one else followed suit. "I want to know exactly what you saw," he said, casually taking a seat in front of you.

"We don't know." Minho began to explain. "We've never actually seen one before."

"But didn't actually stay around long enough to see one of the bloody things," Newt commented.

"What did it look like?" Asked Alby, who had just come to join the group.

"Disgusting," Alex added in.

"Ugly," Scott contributed.

"Wait, you guys actually met one before?" You questioned.

"Nah, but we've heard 'em. Glances, at best," Alex remarked.

"Them things runnin' the shuck Glade in durin' the day?" Newt inquired, more to himself than to the group. "They must be up to somethin'."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure they ain't gonna stop till they've done it," replied Minho.

"Well, it's good you're all here, and in one piece," James said.

"Can't have anybody dying, can we?" Alby remarked.


Nobody spoke for a while, letting the magnitude of what had happened during the day sink in. Nobody had died. Yet. Nobody would though, right? You, the Runners, were sure to find a way. Weren't you? And how many more people could they, those who put you in, send?

"Well, it's time for dinner," James said, standing. "I'm sure you're all hungry."

Everyone joined him, and started walking.

"Interesting first day, 'aye, Greenie?" Gally called out to you.

"That's a way to put it," you responded.

"Still think you're up for it?" He pondered.

"Yeah," you replied, drawing out the word. "Why wouldn't I be?"

The Girl in the Glade; Newt x Badass!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now