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Jay was still lying on his bed hours after he had turned off the lights. He laid straight on his back with his phone clutched in his hands tightly. His eyes were wide open and anxiously waiting for someone's to message arrive. Someone whom he liked since a long time now. He was so excited yet nervous to go to his university tomorrow. He had to face his crush, from whom he confessed his feelings today.

He confessed his feelings in front of his and Rick's, his crush, friend's group. He was so anxious at that time too. But it was love which gave him strength. Rick asked for some time. The whole confession thing was so sudden for him. Jay and Rick barely known eachother. They were once project partners, and that's the time when Jay started feeling for Rick.

Jay understood that Rick might need some time because it was new for him. As much as he knows him, Rick was single since birth. And Rick was nerd and shy too. He had only four friends in this whole university or maybe in his whole life. On the other hand, Jay was popular in uni. He was flirty, trouble maker and known for his mischievous activities. He was super confident in front of everyone. And someone like Jay proposes Rick was something big for him. Nobody even thought about that.

'The super confident guy' of school is waiting for a nerd to reply to his proposal. But deep inside, Jay was also afraid of Rick, that he might reject him.

It was already 1 midnight. And Jay was awake, eyes wide open looking at his phone screen. But there was no sign of a message.

Jay was about to sleep when he heard a notification. His nervousness grew. He didn't want to unlock his phone and read that text, but that's what he was doing. He was afraid of rejection from his first ever real crush.

He unlocked his phone. And read the addressee. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Rick's name. He opened the chat box.

"Hey.....ummm. I think we need to talk."

Jay was super anxious by this stuttering of Rick. He had mixed feelings. Excited, because love of his life replied and, nervous, because love of his life replied, but with stuttering. He was so excited and nervous that he forgot to reply him. So Rick messaged him again.

"It's already 1.30 A.M., I think you are sleeping. We'll talk later. Good night." Jay saw the message and smack his head by his hand. He then replied.

"Uhh... No I'm awake. Actually...I was waiting for your text."

"Ohh! Is it? I'm sorry for delay." Rick replied.

"No no. It's okay. You don't need to apologise to me."

"Oh! okay."

"So, you messaged me." Jay tried to get back to the topic and wanted to know his reply.

"Yeah! I actually want to talk about what you said earlier."

"Ohhh. About that. Umm- What you want to talk exactly?" Jay asked nervously. He crossed his fingers while typing that message and waiting for his reply.

Jay never had a boyfriend in his whole life. And when he tried to make one, in high school, he got rejected. Also, that guy embarassed him in front of whole school. That's when he decided not to fall for anyone ever again. That moment was really traumatized for him that Jay started making a fair distance from boys. He even started talking with girls, more than boys. He had a girl bestfriend at that time. They both spent a lot of time together. He felt comfortable around her.

But nobody ever wanted him to be happy. Some of his classmates complaint about him and that girl to the principal. Principal called their parents and told them everything and ask them to come to school.

They both knew that they are nothing more than friends. And they even tried to convince everyone. But the principal and parents decided not to listen to them.

Principal and fellow teachers decided to suspend both of them for some days and even changed their sections. All the teachers kept eye on them so that they can't talk.

His life was so hard. When he decided to love, he faced embarrassment. When he decided to have a friend, he faced suspension. It's like fate decided to play with him. And now, he loved once again. He was so afraid of another rejection. He was just waiting for Rick's reply. Rick was super shy. And it was the reason for Jay to be scared of his reply.

In between these thoughts, his phone beeps. It was obviously Rick who messaged him. And Jay knew that it will be Rick's reply. He nervously unlocked his phone and felt a tear rolling down his right eye.

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