Chapter 15

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Lisa finally confessed to me. I knew about her feelings but still I was taken aback by the sudden outburst. She started crying. She stood still there and tapped her shoulders but she shrugged me off.

"Finally you get what you want, Rick. Finally you broke me." She looked at me sternly.


"What, Rick? I-i didn't want to confess. What's the point in confessing, huh?" She squeezed her hands tightly. "It's not like we can live together. Rick, even our hanging out together and hug eachother is illegal in front of laws, then what do you expect."

"Lisa, I-I I didn't expect anything a-and even if it is illegal, it's not like we can't be together."

"How? Just tell me how, Rick? How can we be together?" She shouted at me. "You know what, I always stopped myself from falling for you. But I did. I did fall for you, Rick. Then I wanted to just swallow this. I never wanted to speak. But then you came to me and confessed. I didn't know how to react. I was shocked. At first, I thought that you get to know about my feelings somehow and you were mocking me, but then I look into your eyes. And those tears..." She looked at me and stopped talking for a minute." Rick, those feelings were real. I saw that in your eyes. I decided to just leave simply. I didn't know what to say. But you know what, I saw you crying." She wiped her tears with her shirt sleeves. "I didn't left the place. I was hiding behind the tree. And saw you. Saw your miserable condition. I-I'm sorry. You had to go through all this because of me. I a-am-"

I didn't know what took over me but I suddenly wrapped my arms around her. I hugged her. I felt the warmth of her. It feel surreal. The euphoric feeling I had. I just wanted the time to stop. I didn't want to leave her. I felt two arms around my neck. I just closed my eyes and feel her. I was lost in the feeling and didn't care about the surrounding. Didn't care about the fact that we were hugging in an open ground.

I heard the sound of school bell ringing and that was the time we came into reality. Lisa pushed me back lightly.

"I-I'm so-" She started panicking. "I'm so-sorry, Rick. We shouldn't, we s-shouldn't."

"Lisa. Lisa, relax." I tried calming her. I grabbed her shoulders. She suddenly pushed me away. I stumbled but managed to stand back on my feet.

"Rick, listen. Just forget about everything. Nothing has happened between us." She wiped her tears.

"Lisa, are you mad? Are you even listening yourself?"

"No, I'm serious. There's nothing you should remember, okay. Just give me the paper."

"What are you even saying? I should forget that we both love eachother. That you just confessed to me and we hugged. That we can be together."

"You know that we can never be together. And there's no way somebody will accept us, Rick. Why can't you understand this simple thing?" She yelled at me.

"L-lisa, listen to m-"

"You know what, just leave me alone." She snatched the paper from my hand. She grabbed all her stuff from the ground, packed her bag and walked towards school building. Suddenly she stopped and turned around. "But, don't forget to tell Kim about everything. He deserves to know."
During the lunch break, I decided to talk to Kim and tell him everything. I went straight to the canteen where everybody was having fun.

"Kim-" I tapped his shoulder and he looked back at me. I gestured him to go with me.

"Hey, Rick. Where were you?" Andrew folded his hands in front of him. He sounded a bit angry as the lunch break was almost over and I didn't hang out with them.

"I was just using washroom." I excused and turned my focus towards Kim again. He was having his lunch. "Kim, I need to talk. Please come with me."

"Hey, Kim. Pass me the ketchup." Before Kim said something, Jack interrupted us.


"We can talk later, Rick. Just sit. Otherwise they'll think that we are ignoring them."

"But-" Kim dragged me down and made me sit on the chair. I glanced at him every now and then but he was enjoying with the gang. They all were talking about the upcoming events of school where we all decided to present a skit.

The roles were distributed among us all. I and Kim will be the lead and the story revolves around the struggle we will face for our love. Kim wil be the son of rich business man. The role of his parents will be played by Mark and Brad. Andrew and Jack will be my friends who helped me in getting him. And Joe will be the fiance of Kim. The whole story revolves around how I and Kim struggled to be together. But at the end the power and strength of rich overpowered the love.

But Kim opposed the script. He wanted a happy ending of our story. He didn't want our love to be incompleted. Joe made some changes and made the story with happy ending. Now Kim and I got married in the end while Kim's parents will go bankrupt. And Kim will leave them as they were always controlled him and made his life a living hell since his childhood.

The story and roles were finally decided. The bell rang indicating that the lunch break is over. Everybody started collecting their stuff and headed towards their classrooms.

"Kim." I called his name. He turned back and looked like he was in hurry.

"Hey, Rick. I'm sorry but can we please talk later. Joe asked me to submit the story to the organisers and then I have to submit my assignment work too. I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later." Before I could say anything, he kissed my cheek and ran away. I assumed that it was not the time to speak about this, so i simply went to the class.

The day was over and we all headed towards our house. Kim's dad came to pick him up from the school as they had to go in some family function, so I was walking alone. I was thinking about the conversation I had with Lisa, that left me blush a little. But suddenly my mind move towards the thoughts of Kim. I stroked the spot where Kim pecked me during lunch time. It was strange. I didn't want to hurt him. Kim was such a pure guy, having him was a blessing. And I'm going to give away that blessing by my own hands.  But I couldn't even hide this from him. I decided to just blatantly talk to him the next time I met him. The school announced the two days holiday because of some renovation and stuff.

I reached my home and went straight to my room. Dads were at their workplace. So I was all alone in the house. I grabbed my phone and going through my gallery. Suddenly the starts beeping. And I saw the message was from Andrew. He told us that our script is selected and we need to start practicing on it. We decided to practice in school's activity room day after tomorrow.

I switched off my phone as everybody was discussing about the play and how to enact it. I didn't want to talk to them at that moment. I fell asleep within seconds.

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