Chapter 8

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"Wake up, kiddo!" I heard a familiar voice calling me. I woke up and rubbed my eyes to see dady was standing at the corner of my bed. My vision was blurry. I again closed my eyes and slept.

"Wake up." Dady yelled at me.

"What?" I whined and sat on my bed.

"I assume that you forgot, right?"

"Don't play quiz, dady. I'm sleepy, can't you see." I tried lie down on my bed again but he held my wrist and forced me to sit.

"You have to attend a hell like place called school, where demon like teachers are waiting to give you a ton of homework. Just get up." I opened my eyes when I heard dady whined in pain.

"What the hell are you teaching him?" I saw dad approaching both of us and dady rubbed his head where dad hit him. "You better wake up, Rick. School already gave you holiday."

"But dad, I don't want to go."

"Okay." Dad replied. He held dady by his wrist and dragged him outside the room. Dady and I were in shock, it was rare that dad accepted me to take a leave from school.

"Are you possessed?" Dady asked and tried looking into his eyes. He might be seeing his eyes' colour whether it was normal or totally black.

"It's fine. If he doesn't want to go to school with Kim who is actually sitting downstairs waiting for him, then it's fine. We can't do anything."

"What!? He's waiting downstairs and you--" I yelled at my dad's and stopped mid sentence when I heard a familiar voice.

"I was waiting for you downstairs. But it seems like you don't want to go to school. So, it's totally fine. I'll go by myself." Kim was standing on my door. And I felt embarassed for letting him wait for me for a long time.

"N-no. Just give me 2 minutes and I'll get ready."

"Did he just stuttered?" Dady whispered in dad's ear. But it was loud enough to be heard by me. I glared at him.

"You literally take 30 minutes for a bath." Kim snapped back.

"But I'll be quick. Wait for me downstairs." I rushed towards the bathroom and I heard Kim and both my dads laughed at me.

As Kim said, I literally took 30 minutes for bathing. But it wasn't my fault, I didn't have any clock in my bathroom. I dressed up and took my bag from the table and started walking downstairs. I saw my dads packing my lunch, but Kim was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Kim?" I asked dady.

"He already left. He said that he forgot some notebook in his home, so he went back to fetch the book and he'll meet you at school only." Dady replied while helping dad.

"And you guys let him go?"

"Are we supposed to tie him with ropes and let him wait, kiddo." Sometimes I forgot that dad is straight savage. "Here." He handed me lunch box and I bid good bye to them and leave for school.
I saw Kim standing on the front door of the school. He was talking with someone from our class. I smirked to myself and started running towards him. When I reached near him I increased my pace, smack him on his head and ran away. He started following me and cursing and yelling at me.

"Bitch, stop. I'll kill you." I heard Kim shouting and continued running for my life.

I reached to the park near our building. He was still chasing me. I decided to hide in the bushes.

"Rick, I know you are here. Come out. ." Kim shouted from the gate of park. I peeked from behind the bushes. He was looking for me behind every bench and shouted my name in between. I was just enjoying the scene.

I tried moving from one bush to another when I heard some sobbing sounds. I stood up to walk by following the sound.

"Rick, stop." I turned towards Kim and saw him running towards me. I almost forgot that I was running from him.

"Why did yo-" He reached to me and started shouting. I put a hand on his mouth to make him shut up. I gestured him to hear the sounds. I removed my hands from his mouth and we both started following the sobbing.

The sound increased with our every step. As we reached at almost the end of the park, the sounds became more clear. We saw a figure sitting near the tree and dug her face in her palms. She had long hairs flowing from her shoulder and her bag was lying near her. Both Kim and I looked at eachother and thought about what to do next. Kim was such a pure soul that he can't let someone cry by their own. We reached near the figure and I pat on her shoulder. She turned to us and both me and Kim got shocked by looking at the girl. It was Lisa.

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