Chapter 7

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I couldn't stop blushing since yesterday night. Everything was just perfect. After we kissed, we sat there for an hour. We talked about many things. And I explained that how I was going to propose him. He was shocked that I also liked him. He thought that it was just a friendly dinner date and he was anxious as he was going to propose me. But, the soulmate thing. We decided to propose eachother at the same time.

We all were assembled in Mark and Brad's place. Mark, richest guy of our group, owned an apartment where both Mark and Brad lived. As Brad was orphan and Mark's parents accepted their relationship, they both can live there, together. Brad was going to cook for all of us. He was the best chef among us. And in the mean time we all were teasing eachother. But it was more like they all were teasing me and Kim, as we are the newest couple in the group.

"Okay, enough y'all. Stop teasing my kids." Brad shouted from kitchen to save me and Kim. We both chuckled by other's reaction. We all were afraid of Brad. If he ever say something than it's our duty, or moreover helplessness, that we have to follow him.

"Brad, how much time? Your kids are hungry." Mark mocked Brad. He tried to break the silence.

"Speak for yourself. They aren't that hungry as you are." Brad snapped back.

"Still the question is same, bitch. How much time?" Mark rolled his eyes. And we all were lightly chuckled. We never dared to laugh when Brad and Mark fought. Our innocent laugh could have been fatal to us.

"Guys, the food is ready. Help me set the dining table. And we are going to celebrate 'no food for Mark day' today." Brad came out of the kitchen with tray in his hand.

"Hey please. I need food, I'm hungry."

"Bitches never give food to anyone, Mark." Brad teased him.

"Hey you can't do this to me. I'm your boyfriend.

"Your point?"

They both were bickering. And in the mean time we all were tasting the food. No one can stop themselves when it comes to Brad's food. After like 10 minutes of their bickering, they both came to a decision that Mark will do the dishes in return of the food.

We all had our supper and left Mark and Brad to fight some more. I drove Kim back to home. We remained silent in most of the trip. When we reached near Kim's home, he broke the silence.

"Rick....are you--" Kim stopped kid sentence.

"What happened?" I stopped the car and look towards him. He was somewhat nervous.

"Rick, are you sure you want to be with me? I mean you are sure about your feelings, right? You aren't affectionate or attracted towards me. It's love, right?"

"Kim." I took his hands in mine and caressed him. "Look, I'm affectionately attracted towards you, there's no doubt. But you know what, I love you the most at the same time. Last night I couldn't get the chance to confess everything. But do you want to listen my side of confession?"


"Okay, so listen. This might sound stupid, but you are the most perfect person I've ever seen. I don't know what other's think about you or what they say, in my eyes, you are just a piece of art created by God. I don't know whether I deserve you or not, but I assure you that I'll give you every fuvking happiness you deserve. I might suck at words but I really love you by the core of my heart, Kim. And you kn-" I suddenly stopped by the two arms wrapped around my neck. And I felt something warm on my neck. Kim was sobbing. I hugged him and patted his back.

He stopped crying after some 5 minutes. I kissed his cheek and dropped him to his home. I drove back to my house and saw my dad's fighting. They were throwing pillows at eachother. Sometimes I wonder if I am a high schooler or they are.

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