Chapter 8

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Magnus watched with amusement the tormented shadowhunter in front of him and Jace.

"You know, just because you have no interest in flirting with your wife it doesn't mean the rest of the world is blind as you" Jace commented, "She's a beautiful girl, you can't deny it, and clearly her bestfriend wants you out of the picture"

"This is ridiculous. He drops this bomb on me... to gain what? I mean, you don't tell her husband you wanted more than friendship" Alec snapped, "It's not fair"

"Fair? You are ignoring the poor girl for doing her work" Magnus smirked, "You're not in a position to complain"

Jace for once agreed with the warlock.

"I wonder if she knows about his feelings for her" he mentioned, "He has a good face, not handsome like mine but acceptable. Hard to stay friends with men like us"

"Are you siding with him now?" Alec gasped.

"Is there a competition I'm not aware of?" his parabatai asked sarcastically.

"Do you find it so amusing? Don't tell me you're forgetting your own situation, Jace" Alec glared at them as his two friends teased him.

The blond sighed in exasperation, knowing it was his way to deviate attention on someone else when the male Lightwood felt trapped. Jace found Alec's way to deal with Paul funny because he had been the one at the beginning to tease his parabatai about Simon and Clary's friendship. Now he was in the same situation with a stranger running after Wendy, only this time Paul was nowhere shy as the new vampire. He had enough confidence to boast about his feelings with Alec, her husband, and no shame in showing off their closeness.

Jace wasn't sure if Alec had noticed it, but as they left the Institute he was sure Paul had joined Wendy in her bedroom.

If his parabatai was lucky, their friendship would never go beyond that but he had serious doubts it was the case in the young man's mind.

"My situation is different. There's no chance for me to have what I want, but you still can fix whatever problem you have with her" 

"I have no problem with her. She can do what she wants as long as it doesn't hurt our family, Jace"

"And yet you're angrier about Paul than this mission at this moment" Magnus commented, pouring himself another drink and passing a new glass to Alec, "I heard nothing about the Clave, but on the other hand you gave us a full report on this boy and his intentions"

"I just don't want to be cheated on for my entire life" the older shadowhunter shrugged, "He seems very close to her"

"Have you talked with her about it? Because she could have thought the same about you"

"I'm not a cheater!" Alec snapped, "I promised to myself that I wouldn't break my wedding votes"

"What makes you think she is not doing the same? Arranged marriage is already difficult but without proper dialogue, you'll hurt her and yourself for no reason" Magnus offered, "Maybe you two can agree on something for once"

At the Institute, Wendy and Paul were talking about her marriage too.

The young man sat sprawled on the couch as she stayed wrapped in the covers on the bed.

"So, how is this Alec Lightwood? Is he behaving?"

"We're fine. Some trust issues on both our sides, but it's normal I think. Alec has been very kind" she smiled at her best friend when he stood up and began to braid her blond hair.

"Sad. I hoped to kick his ass ever since your sister told me about this arrangement"

"Speaking of my wedding, Alec told me he had seen you at the party with Lydia. Why didn't you come to see me?"

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