Chapter 3

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"Sorry to disturb you, Lydia, but I think we have to postpone your trip to Idris" Maryse Lightwood said as she welcomed herself in the younger woman's bedroom.

"Why? The Clave is waiting for the Cup"

"A notice came this morning from a friend in Idris. It seems there are problems with the Circle. I don't know the details, but Forsakens are trying to breach the walls" the older shadowhunter explained, "I suppose they are acting under Valentine's orders, but the Clave is not sure"

"We had already a breach ourselves with that Forsaken a few weeks ago. We aren't exactly safe either"

"I suggest taking another day and evaluating the situation. If we can't come up with a solution, tomorrow you'll go ahead to Idris with extra protection" Maryse offered, "Best to keep this between us for now"

Lydia nodded in understanding, locking the door after Maryse left her.
It was a risk to keep the Cup inside the Institute and it was even worse no one could prevent or foresee the next attack.
The Branwell felt anxiety building up with every passing hour and useless were her attempts to sleep.
Being keeper of such sacred and dangerous artifact was enough to drive her on edge, especially since Lydia couldn't bear the anxiety.

So when the Institute was still desert, Lydia sneaked out of her room geared up and Cup safely stashed in a wooden box. Her fingers were almost white with the strong grip she had on it, as she passed in front of Alec and Wendy's bedroom.
Peeking inside she saw the newlyweds sleeping separately and sighed in relief as she reassured herself of her sister's whereabouts.

Everyone was sleeping after the alcohol consumed at the party, despite Maryse's disapproval.

Lydia knew the woman had good intentions, but the Clave had been clear about her role in New York. They still had doubts about their way to lead the Institute, so Lydia couldn't absolutely allow the Lightwoods to tarnish even more their name, now that Wendy had married Alec.
Disobeying orders was the last thing they needed.

She was so lost in thoughts that the shadowhunter didn't even notice the movement behind her.

She arrived at the portal to Idris easily and was about to get through it when someone grabbed her from behind.

Alec and Wendy had fallen asleep in their spots when the alarm sounded.
The young man jumped up from the couch, running out of the door as all the Institute residents flooded the corridors.

Wendy bumped in Jace as they rushed to the Ops Center.

"What was that?!" he asked to a shadowhunter closer to the hall.

"I don't know. We are in quarantine"

Wendy stood behind the blond as he attempted to see over the mass of bodies stuck in the corridor.

"Come on, we are moving up," he said to Wendy, "If we stay here, they'll smother us"

On the way to the hall, the pair managed to find Izzy and Clary still in PJs like Wendy. Jace still couldn't see Alec, but he had managed to notice him rushing out of the bedroom in front of him, so at least he was relieved the brunette was alright.

Maryse saw them coming and went to them with a grave frown.

"Wendy, I need you to go to the infirmary"

"Why? What happened?" Jace asked.

"Jace, not now" Maryse scolded him.

Wendy felt dread coming up and didn't lose time, ignoring Izzy and Clary as they tried to stop her.
There was only one person in that building that had enough importance for her in Maryse's view and if she was being sent in the infirmary, someone hurt Lydia in the short time they spent apart.

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