Chapter 1

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"So... where is your bride?" Jace asked.

"I think she's taking some time for herself. The Angel knows I need it too" Alec replied, feeling a headache coming his way for the drinks he had had as soon as Wendy disappeared from his sight. In his opinion, the more time they spent apart, the better for their relationship. It was becoming unbearable to put on a fake smile every time someone congratulated him for his marriage and he was growing restless very fast.

He knew Wendy had no wish to see him, it had been clear enough in her scared eyes as soon as Brother Jeremiah closed the ceremony. And Alec didn't want to impose on her more than he had already done in the last hour.

Izzy didn't agree with her brother, mainly because she supposed the girl had it a bit worse than Alec. Her family was nowhere to be seen and her only sister was busy mingling with Clave dignitaries.

Wendy was alone in one of the most important days for a girl and she felt, as new sister-in-law, that it was her duty to keep her company especially in a place where the new Mrs. Lightwood didn't know anyone.

Clary apparently had thought the same, because she trailed behind Isabelle to search for Wendy, much to Jace's relief as he saw the red-headed shadowhunter parting from them. That night he had already enough problems with a recalcitrant groom to think about his complicated love life.

"At least someone is happy, now" Alec commented bitterly, watching his parents smiling widely at Lydia, "I'll try my best to be kind with her, but you've seen how terrified she was before. What if she never comes to... befriend me?"

"I think befriending her would be the exact opposite of what you two need" Jace shrugged, "No one said you have to fall in love with her at this exact moment, but maybe soon or later you'll come to like her. You only have to try and get along with her"

"I had already planned to spend some time with her, at least to have a good relationship with this girl, but I suppose you're right. I heard she's a good person and a capable Shadowhunter"

"You're not evaluating a recruit, Alec" Jace teased him.

The other young man rolled his eyes in exasperation, glancing around the room to see if the girls had returned. He only saw Lydia frowning coldly at a guy in a black tux and dark hair, clearly displeased as much as she was to speak with the Branwell woman.

"Do you know who is he? I never saw him around the Institute and he wasn't in the delegation of the Clave" Alec asked, "Lydia seems ready to murder"

"No idea" Jace shrugged, "Do you think her sister already informed Wendy of the Cup and our involvement with Valentine?" 

"I'm almost sure she did. Everyone has heard of our unsanctioned missions. Plus, it's not exactly a secret"

"A bigger team would be great"

"Not for now. I want to be sure we can trust her before that" Alec stated.

"Fair enough" Jace shrugged, slapping his parabatai's hand when he reached for another drink.

"Just behave, Alec. You don't want to scare your bride collapsing the very night you married her" Robert Lightwood scolded softly his son, after having watched him from afar for a bit and knowing how close he was to exploding.

"I can drink as much as I want" Alec snapped, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you any longer"

Jace sighed and ran after his adoptive brother as he left the hall. There was no purpose in hanging around when even Wendy had escaped, disappearing from what at that moment seemed a meeting of diplomats.

That marriage had already begun with a woman in tears and an enraged man, Alec was sure nothing could top that night as the most uncomfortable of his life.

As the two shadowhunters left, two girls were waiting for the new bride to stop with her crying.
They were currently in the greenhouse, away from noises and pesky meddlers, as they hoped to comfort Wendy as much as they could.

Clary was gingerly keeping an arm around her shoulders and Izzy paced in front of them with a frown.

"Now, I can't understand what you're feeling right now, but my brother is not a monster. At least I can assure you he will never hurt or disrespect you" the brunette said, "He will feel even worse if he sees you like that"

"I know. I only heard good things about him from Lydia, but I feel so betrayed right now. How can my family arrange a marriage for me to a complete stranger?! My own sister, who wanted to marry for love and refused proposals, went behind my back!"

Clary felt a pang of sympathy for her.

"It's ridiculous, medieval, and cruel. Did your father at least call you?"

"Sure he did. I prefer to spare you the details of our conversation" Wendy shrugged, "With my mother ill, it's Lydia the one who runs our family. I don't blame him for his lack of interest at this moment, but I have always dreamed of this day differently and their absence hurts"

"Well, now you have us" Izzy smiled, "Why don't we have a slumber party? Just the three of us. So you can avoid Alec and Clary can forget her own boy troubles"

"What is a slumber party?" Wendy asked, wiping the last traces of mascara from her cheeks.

Clary gasped in horror a bit theatrically, before standing up and dragging the blond with her.

"Izzy, we have to make up for this ignorance"

"I agree, it's totally unacceptable" the other smirked.

Wendy almost felt a surge of fear as the other Shadowhunters giggled and planned their evening without giving her a chance to back out, but she supposed it would be better to leave her new husband alone for that night. Surely he had had the same thoughts about her, no reason to make him uncomfortable with her presence.

Unbeknownst to her, Alec had had a similar idea and spent the night away from their bedroom, returning to the one he had occupied until the day before as single.

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