16: before the storm

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Jakob's POV

The phone slipped from her hands, falling onto her lap.

Her face was had lost all colour and her eyes were wide.

I reached out to grab the phone, hearing a deep voice on the other end of the call.

The fear on her face made anger course through me.

I looked at the caller ID, seeing her brother's name on the screen.

"Malakai?" I asked, completely confused.

There was a pause, "Jakob? Is Cal with you?"

"She is," I glanced over at her; she had a faraway look in her eyes, "What's the matter?"

I heard his sigh on the other end, "Bring her to the hospital, it's our mother."

My own eyes widened a fraction before I cleared my throat, asking him the name of the hospital and then letting him know I'd bring her.

"She..." he sighed again before hanging up, "Be patient with Callan, I don't know how she'll be reacting to this."

He ended the call after giving me the room number. 

I put the phone down, looking at her.

Her face looked blank, her eyes glassy; she looked as though she was a world away.

I pocketed her phone, inching closer to her slowly.

"Eliana?" my voice was just above a whisper and gentle in tone.

There was no way to describe the look on her face other than haunted.

I got up when she didn't respond, kneeling on the floor in front of her.

"Eliana," I said again.

She finally looked at me, as though remembering I was in the room.

Her eyes watered, "E-Elijah, my m-mom-"

"I know," I whispered, trying to soothe her, "Let's go see her."

She swallowed, her tears tipping over the edge, but made no move to stand up.

I moved the blanket off of her, putting it on the couch.

With robotic movements, she stood up, almost tumbling back down.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her upright; her body shook violently and I tightened my grip, leading her to the front door.

She haphazardly stuck her feet into her heels and I grabbed her coat, holding it open for her to slip her arms into.

Grabbing my own coat, I led her to the car, making sure to lock the door and turn on the security system behind me.

She sat down in the passenger seat and I closed the door, walking around to sit in the driver's seat.

She had buckled up her belt and was staring down at her hands, which were clasped in her lap.

I buckled up my own seatbelt, turning on the car; I rubbed at my chest, an aching feeling growing inside.

I glanced at her before reversing out of the driveway.

I felt entirely useless as I racked my brain to find a way to help her.

The hospital that Malakai had mentioned over the phone wasn't that far away from us, which meant that they had transported her mother there.

My heart constricted at the fear I had seen on Eliana's face; the thought of losing a mother was unimaginable.

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