20: aftermath

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TW; take care of yourself

Callan's POV

"It's too dark here Eliana, you need to look to the light."

The voice was familiar.

It filled me with warmth.

But I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

"To the light."

My eyelids felt heavy, as though they had been glued shut.

I felt half-awake, but my eyes refused to open.

It was too dark.

"To the light."

I could feel my heart rate increase.

That was my grandmother's voice.

She was here?

Muffled voices sounded from somewhere.

A machine beeped.

I needed to open my eyes, but it was too difficult.

I couldn't feel anything.

My mind raced, dark images flashing in my head.

My chest closed up, my heart pounded.

Fear coursed through my body as though it had replaced the blood in my veins.

I couldn't open my eyes.

I couldn't breathe.

The voices got louder, more panicked.

A machine beeped.

My body felt like lead.

I wanted to open my eyes.

A louder beep and I felt something on my face.

I couldn't open my eyes.

His face flashed in my mind.

The evil glint in his eyes. The cool metal of his knife.

It was too dark.

I couldn't open my eyes.

I wanted to see the light.

Everything faded to something even darker.

And I was gone again.

I didn't know how long it took for me to come back to consciousness.

I just knew that I was awake again.

My eyelids still felt heavy, so I attempted to move my hand first.

I heard a gasp, and the sound of footsteps.

Then a "Callan!"

I couldn't figure out who had said it. I moved my hand some more.

And then, with great effort, I opened my eyes.

It was too loud in the room, too bright.

My mouth felt dry, my body heavy. I couldn't get my eyes to focus on a single thing; they wouldn't open completely. There was a cacophony of sounds and I blearily made out three figures moving towards the side of my hospital bed.

My heart pounded.


I was alive.

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