38: tulips, stardust, and forever

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T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Jakob's POV

I scrawled my signature at the bottom of the paper, the sound of the pen loud in the quiet room.

The only other sound in my office came from the dog that was lying beside my desk, snoring as though he had just worked a double shift.

I rolled my eyes, knowing all he had done today was go on a run with Zion; he had received extra treats for it too, because all of the employees loved having him around.

I turned my eyes back onto the sheets in front of me, wanting to finish up as soon as I possibly could.

My phone buzzed, distracting me again, and my heart rate picked up at the sight of the name that flashed on the screen.

No self-control, or patience in me to wait, I opened the message immediately.

Eliana: How's my baby doing?

I glanced at the snoring dog, taking a picture and sending it to her.


Me: Working hard.

A second passed before she replied.

Eliana: Aw my sweetie pie, he looks like an angel!!

I tried not to narrow my eyes at the dog, wondering why I was suddenly feeling like a petulant child who hadn't been given any attention.

But my phone chimed again.

Eliana: I wasn't asking about Prince though

I felt my neck heat, knowing that I was damn near blushing.

My phone chimed again, and I told myself to snap out of it.

Eliana: I can almost imagine the look on your face and it's making me want to quit my job so that I can come see you

Eliana: But alas, I cannot, so I will see you in an hour baby

Eliana: I love you

I wanted to punch myself in the face so that I would find a way to regain my composure, but instead I replied with an I love you, telling her that I would see her soon.

I put my phone face down on the desk, wondering if I would ever get used to the way Eliana made me feel.

But then her face appeared in my mind, and a smile pulled onto my face, and I knew that I would in fact, never get used to it.

And I didn't think I wanted to.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of any thought of her.

I couldn't sit here and let myself get carried away.

The last thing I needed was to be sitting in my office, hiding a problem under my desk.


I set my jaw, and got back to work, managing to get through half a stack of files before there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said, not looking up from the contract I was reading.

The door opened, "Hey Jake," I looked up at Tai's voice, putting my pen down, "You busy?"

I shook my head, "Everything alright?"

He grinned, placing something on my desk before crouching down to pet Prince, "All good. Just finished up with a lecture, thought I'd come drop this off before heading to train with Karter."

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