41: pressure

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F O R T Y - O N E

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Callan's POV

I threw my blazer into the backseat of the car, and shut the door, locking it in a hurry before walking as fast as possible in my heels.

I looked at the three-story building surrounded by wrought iron gates, wondering if it had always looked so pretentious.

Despite my ankles protesting, I managed to make it to the front office in record time, coming to a stop in front of the stern looking secretary.

I tried to catch my breath before speaking, "Hi, I received a call from-"

A door opened behind her before I could finish, and a portly, well-groomed man stepped outside, "Ms. Grant? In here please."

I straightened up immediately, following him to his office, still wondering what was going on.

My confusion only intensified when I walked into the room, seeing him taking a seat behind his desk. There were a few chairs in front of his desk; three of them seating a teenager, and his parents I presumed.

Of the last two chairs, one was empty and one had Levant seated on it.

A look of relief washed over his face the moment I walked in, and I bristled immediately wondering what he had been subjected to in here for him to look so relieved.

"Please have a seat," he motioned to the chair beside Levant, and I sat down slowly, giving Levant a once-over to make sure he was okay.

Turning my head back to everyone else, I spoke, "Is there a problem Mr. Gilmore?"

He looked slightly uncomfortable, nudging the Headmaster nameplate on his desk as though he were biding time.

He clasped his hands in front of him, "I apologise to have called you under these circumstances, however I believe it is imperative that we have a conversation about Levant, and his getting into trouble."

I blinked slowly, looking at the Headmaster as though he had grown two heads.

"Trouble..." I mused out loud, "Trouble? Levant's been getting into trouble?"

Someone could have told me that Prince had learned to walk on his two hind legs and I would believe that more.

Mr. Gilmore looked even more uncomfortable at my disbelief, glancing at the uppity family to my left out of the corner of his eye.

I narrowed my eyes at them too, wondering what role they had to play in this entire conversation.

Based on the smug look on their kid's face, I almost already knew.

"Yes unfortunately there have been more than a few instances where Levant has had an issue with a fellow student-"

I raised a brow, "How come this is the first time I'm hearing about it?"

He hesitated, "It was not of great concern at the time."

I inhaled slowly, trying to remain calm, but the overprotectiveness I was feeling wasn't helping me whatsoever.

"And what occurred today?" I asked him.

Mr. Gilmore cleared his throat, "He shoved his peer into the lockers in the hallway," motioning to the boy and his parents.

I glanced at the other student in question, and then at Levant, "Did you push him into the lockers Levy?"

Levant matched my eyes, giving me one of his infamous soul-searching looks.

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