Ukraine x reader ~ One Day + AUTHORS NOTE

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Theme: childhood

Chibi Ukraine x chibi reader
(Not a romance one)


"Oh Russia..." Ukraine mumbled.

You were hanging out with your best friend Ukraine. You were hanging out in the snow until Russia came running to you two complaining.

"I'm never going to be strong!" Russia wined, tears falling from his face.

"Don't be silly, you will one day!" You smiled.

"You think so?" Russia asked.

"Of course! Do the best you can and I'm sure you will succeed." You reasurred.

Russia wiped his tears with his scarf.

"Thanks guys! I'm going to show them I'm stronger" Russia smiled.

He turned around and ran through the forest, smiling. Ukraine turned to you.

"I bet that meant a lot to him"

"I know. I want to make sure he is confedent in himself"

You walked over to Belarus, who was making two snow balls for you and Ukraine to sit on.

"Sit... Please" she mumbled.

You smiled and patted her head. You sat on one of them, and Ukraine ran over and sat beside you. Belarus started constructing a small ball for herself.

"I hope one day he becomes stronger." You sighed.

"Yeah, I want him to be happy" Ukraine agreed.

"Hm" Belarus grumbled in agreement.

You suddenly felt something on your nose, looking up, it started to snow. You held your hands out and giggled. Ukraine looked up and reached up, touching each falling flake. Belarus just looked up, unamused.

"We should get inside" Ukraine smiled.

You and Belarus nodded and headed inside.

Time skip

Thousands of years later, when Russia was a bit older, you were sitting at Ukraine's coffee table with Belarus. You were discussing current events.

"Did you hear about Russia?" Ukraine asked happily.

"Yeah, he's doing really well" you smiled.

"Hmm" Belarus agreed.

Suddenly, everyone went quiet. You stared at the fireplace, which was near the coffee table.

Flash back

"I did it!" Russia yelled, running into the cabin you were in.

You had just gotten inside and you were having a cup of hot chocolate with Ukraine and Belarus. Russia was covered in snow and bruises.

"Russia what happened?" Ukraine asked, running to him.

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