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Love Too Far


It's been a long day.
I helped my mom to go grocery shopping, went to my dad's place and helped him in cleaning, then I went to babysit my friend's cousin. Then finally.. got home.

If I'm gone I don't think anybody could live without me. Yesterday was the same, just different people.

I'm in 2nd year college.
It's a lot harder since I live by myself now.
But I chose this, I don't want to bother my mom anymore. I'm already 20.

Yeah yeah, call it bragging but I'm an honor student. But of course I still have a hard time sometimes.

And... It's been a year and a few months since... I've seen him. I'm trying to avoid him.. With all I can. I don't use that phone number anymore so I won't get any of his calls.

What I did is horrible.. but I've moved on.
I don't think of him anymore. And won't ever dare to hear or say his name. forever.

< notification sound >


>Have you eaten yet?


He ignored the message and closed his phone. But just when he did, his notification pop again.


Have you eaten yet?

-Don't eat cupnoodles only.




Don't eat cupnoodles only.

I don't.<

-Take a picture of your dinner, I don't believe you.


He sighed after reading her message. "Guess I'm buying." He stood up as he saw his trash can that was only full of cup noodles.

He has no light on, so the apartment was only lightened by the moon. Because of his big window, it's bright and lets him see the whole room.

Tho there are corners where the moon doesn't get to light up. He wore a jacket and put on a hat before leaving. There's a market nearby his apartment which is a good help whenever his mom ask him things like that.

The street was empty and only the street lights and the moon are helping him to see through the darkness.

The market was a block away across his apartment. When he arrived, he got the healthy foods that his mom expects him to eat everyday.


When he was done, he stepped outside as the doors automatically opened. He stood there infront and exhaled a breath.
It turned into clouds and fog.

Love too far | sunwonWhere stories live. Discover now