39 - Can't Help Falling In Love

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You want to see some Twice concert pics that I took?

I made a twitter just for that. I don't plan on using that account so there is absolutely NO NEED to follow it.

But obviously, I can't control your actions.

Twitter acc is: @nueve_Y_uno

As for the wait for this chapter

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As for the wait for this chapter... just how some of you are patiently and impatiently waiting for a new chapter, I recently got a new job, which is cool and all, better pay, better benefits.

The downside of it is that I work 11 hours a day... 5am-5:30pm

So you can imagine just how exhausted I am by the end of the workday. I barely have free time for myself and I don't want to spend all of it writing, I want to enjoy my rest of the day by doing things I like beside writing.

So, I'm sorry for the delays, I really am, I want to get back to it regularly but it is currently impossible for me to do so with this current job.

I will say tho... more giveaways are coming up.

I told myself, 'no more long chapters' but it's been such a long time since the last one that I didn't think you guys deserved a 6k or 8k chapter.

So, here are 14,736 words of a chapter.

Enjoy, and sorry... wow I'm... way too apologetic.



This is not a completed chapter, I decided to make it a 2 parter because I just couldn't make you guys wait any longer.

I will come back to this chapter someday to fix errors and add pictures, but I seriously can't make you guys wait more.

Sorry for my lateness. I will try to do better.

There might be some mistakes, sorry about that.

"Yes! I know! It's unbelievable!"

Lisa had smiled through the whole call, with the rest of the members from both groups being just as excited for the young coach who sported the biggest smile they've ever seen.

"I just," Gabe stopped to place a hand atop his head in disbelief while the other held onto the phone on his ear, "it still feels unreal... You guys will be coming right? Can you make it? Don't you have work?"

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