29 - Sleepy Bunny

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"Let's see... the easiest formation for them would be a 2-2-1 with only one striker and two midfielders... But what if..."

After everyone finished cleaning up, the girls all headed to their room, wishing you goodnight as you did the same.

You were currently in your room making up some formations you could think of for the team.

Since Gabe explained futsal before you were going along with the 5 v 5 games, hence why you're making formations with 5 players instead of the usual 11.

'Dammit, we still haven't practiced for goalkeeping.'

You didn't know being a coach would be this difficult, usually, Gabe did all the planning while you followed orders and moved wherever you thought the team needed help.

Now having to look for a balanced style of play while also working about open spaces proved that Gabe probably had the upper hand when it came to this.

Frustrated and tired, you laid your face on the table, thinking of resuming tomorrow.

'Maybe I should ask gramps...'

*Knock Knock*

You immediately sat up after hearing the knocking on your door as you looked around noticed all the mess you made making plans and formations, a bunch of paper everywhere on the table, and even some on the floor as you thought it would be embarrassing to have a room this messy.

"Uhh, just a minute!" you shouted as you began picking up the sheets of paper and throwing it away on a small bin that was already full, you pushed the papers more to the bottom making more space as you threw the other papers in it.

After you finished you headed towards the door, opening it.

Only to be met with no one on the other side, making you think if you made them wait too long.


You heard someone in front of you as you looked down, seeing Nayeon who was sitting down, leaning against the wall, her pajamas made her look adorable as you instinctively smiled at her.

You heard someone in front of you as you looked down, seeing Nayeon who was sitting down, leaning against the wall, her pajamas made her look adorable as you instinctively smiled at her

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"For a moment I thought the house was haunted," you joked as you helped Nayeon up by lending her a hand.

"Maybe I am a ghost, oOoOoOo," she joked waving her hands in front of you.

You laughed at her as she smiled, "So, what brings you here?" You asked as she stopped waving her hands.

"Just wanted to chat, unless you're busy of course."

You shook your head maybe a bit too quickly after she finished talking, "of course not, want to head inside?" You asked opening your door and rating a hand pointing inside your room.

"Sure, thanks," she smiled as she walked inside your room.

As she stepped inside, Nayeon couldn't help but notice the many pieces of paper on the overflowed bin next to your table as she walked near it.

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