Chapter 5 - One In A Million Offer

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Gabe and I spent the rest of the day in the hotel resting yesterday after our meeting with JYP and the others, Grandpa Jim called and said he was going to spend the night at his old home, he also said he was going to be away till the day of the event which I found weird but didn't question it and simply told him to take care of himself. and went to sleep. It was tough getting used to the time zone change but we got used to it pretty quick.

After we eat some breakfast we started playing some FIFA on Gabe's console.

"What was that shot," I whined.

"You're awful at this game you know that," said Gabe

"Really? Then how come I'm winning 3-0?" I looked at him with a smug.

"Relax there, we're only on the first half, I'll turn it around," said Gabe as he started getting serious.

"We'll see about that," I asked concentrating on the game.


"I'm done with this game," I said throwing the controller.

"I thought you were going to beat me Y/N, where did your confidence go to?" Gabe asked as he turned off the console.

"I only lost because my star defender got injured and I had no subs left!" I whined.

"Look at you always making up excuses," Gabe said as he went towards the kitchen.

"But it's true if you hadn't tackled so many times I cou-"


Gabe's phone started ringing as I picked it up from the table, it showed an unknown number.

"Who is it asked?" Gabe as he took a bottle of water from the fridge.

"It's an unknown number, here you go," I said as I gave him the device.

"Hello? Yeah, this is him, Oh hello Son."

I looked at him tilting my head to the side.

"Sure, we don't have anything to do anyway, ok, we'll see you there then," Said Gabe as he hung up the phone. "Huh, that was Heun-Min Son," he said while looking at me.

"Wow, he had your number?" I asked surprised.

"No, but maybe Mr. Park gave him my number," said Gabe,

"Well what did he say? Are we going somewhere?" I asked

"Yeah he invited us to eat, he said he had something to tell us," said Gabe as he put on a hoodie.

"Wonder what it is, but either way, a lunch with one of the best players from Korea? Sign me up," I said as Gabe nodded.


As we arrived at the restaurant we saw Son standing at the entrance as we greeted him and followed him to our table, a lot of people were looking at us as we heard some mumbling, I guessed it due to Son being there and maybe others recognized us, we ordered our food and after we were done we were talking about some of our games as he told us how it is to be a professional player.

"Yeah, when I first started I didn't think I would be playing for this team," Spon said as he chuckled, "But it's been fun especially with my teammates and the people I meet throughout the day," he said as we listened closely to his stories. "But anyway, I invited you guys here because I have something to tell both of you," he said as we paid close attention to him.

"I actually have an offer for the two of you, I know you guys just got out of school and you have many clubs trying to sign you, but I talked to my coach and told him about you two and after he researched the way you guys played, he was interested in signing you both, he talked to the president about it and they have decided to give you guys a contract, isn't that great? You guys might have the opportunity to train in a European League."

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