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I ate 2 and a half slices of pizza before I nearly puked. I don't know why I ordered it if I knew I wasn't going to eat it. Something told me to order Chinese. Maybe it was my tastebuds. Fuck man. Pizza is disgusting.

"Who wants the rest of this pizza?" I asked once I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Me!" It was a mixture of voices. I couldn't distinguish who was who.

"Oh, the vet called today about Tommy." Dinah spoke with her mouth full. My breathing hitched.

"Is he okay?" I didn't want to know.

"Yeah, but you want to hear the funny part?" She chuckled.

"Dinahsaur I swear to g-gold if this is isn't funny." I stopped myself from saying God because I could practically feel Allys' glare.

"Well it's more ironic. He's going blind. Like he can't see out of his left eye anymore."

"Hm, that is ironic." I said with a slight frown. "I'm pretty sure being blind doesn't make you puke."

"He probably just ate something bad." She said.


I was eating a bowl of cereal when Alex came in the kitchen even though I was sure it was past breakfast. But let's face it. Cereal is more of snack than a breakfast meal.

"I've barely spoken to you sense we got here." A frown was evident in her tone of voice.

"Yeah, I've been with Demi and you've been with Camila." I said, shrugging.

"What? How do you know that?" She asked.

"I didn't."


"Honey, I'm home!" Demis' voice rang through the house with a slam of a door following it.

"Nobody invited you here." I shouted to her.

"Oh, you love me too much. What ya watching?" She asked plopping down on me.

"Well, I was listening to spongebob, but I was interrupted by this really annoying chick." I said while wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Where is she? I can take care if her for you if you want." She said.

"Shut up and cuddle with me."


"You know Alex and I are leaving soon." I mumbled from my position in Demi's arms. "We obviously don't live here. And on top of that the tour is about to start."

"Why can't you guys come on tour with us?" She whined.

"What am I gonna do on stage? Guess their ages?" I asked sarcastically. "You know I could actually make a living out of that. Its really easy."

"I'm being serious. You could, like, be a stage manager." She exclaimed.

"That would be so cool! Now let's think of what I could do if I couldn't see." I deadpan.

"You are no help."

"I have an idea!" I exclaimed pulling her up after I got up.

"Spoke too soon."


"When I was younger I had no one to talk to about what I was feeling because no one understood. So I did the only thing I could do. I wrote about it. Writing about what happened didn't help though, so I wrote songs. I'm not sure if they're any good though. I've never let any one see them. But I trust you. And if the writing is unreadable don't judge because I was writing in the dark." I said while handling the notebook to her. "Can you read it out loud?"


"It was a while back, but we were chillin at our spot.

Do you remember? It was that park around the block.

It was actually where we first met.

We used to stay and talk for hours while watching the sunset.

He was going 101 miles per hour.

I mean who drinks at this hour.

It was a life he doesn't remember taking.

Now I'm stuck with a heart that's slowly breaking.

Apologizing because it seems like the right thing.

But you don't mean it and your a sorry excuse for a human being.

And I'm not trying to put you down, but I want you to realize.

You took the only thing that had purpose in my life."

"That one's not finished." Ignoring me, she flips the pages.

"She tried to tell herself it was just a phase.

Tried to convince herself that she would change.

She promised herself she'd fall in love with a man.

But she could never see them more, than just friends.

Then finally she noticed something.

She brushed it off. Like it was nothing.

But she kept staring at that girl from a distance.

So she decided, to keep her distance.

Yeah, flirty glances and blowing kisses.

Rude remarks and not so subtle disses.

Daydreams led to bipolar decisions.

It was nothing that she could envision.

The distance plan wasn't adequate.

So she decided to call it quits.

But it was too late to make a move.

Girl had already moved on to another dude.

Daydreams that would never come true.

Daydreams that were filled with you.-"

"You don't have to read the rest of that out loud." I cut her off. After about 2 minutes she spoke up.

"Holy crap."

"Holy crap can mean a lot of things. Please tell me that wasn't a bad one." I rambled.

"That was no where near a a bad holy crap, baby. That was a 'I'll talk to some people because there is no way-'." I cut her off again.

"I feel like your gonna go on for a long time so I did you a favor." I chuckled. I of course blushed.

"How did these come to you?"

"Mostly from reading."

"I gotta go and I'm gonna need a few of these songs. Do you mind?" She asked.

"No, go ahead."

"Thanks. You have to trust me on this. I'll have you on tour with us. Just give me a day or two. Bye babe." She said excitingly. She ran out the door then ran back in and gave me a kiss then ran back out. Chuckling to myself, I made my way out of the room. I wonder if we have any good food.

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