Just shopping

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As soon as I got to that conclusions, I went back to my room to get a jacket and left the hero agency to get some candles. Of course I had some money with me, I wasn't a bad guy and certainly not a robber at all. Hoewever I might have looked like one with the hood over my head and since it was also a large one it was covering my sight slightly. Tho I loved this hoody soo much.

I wonder which scent I should get?

Maybe go with vanilla?

Or mint?

I wonder what can cover the scent of blood the best...


I should firstly go and see what they have to offer befre thinking of the scent!

Maybe they don't even have candles...

What should I do then?

I wonder...

Maybe I'll just buy a fruit knife and some fruits in that supermarket.

Then I can just go in a mark and do it there.

No one will question me if I buy some snack with the knife.


Let's do that tho I really want to be home.

It didn't take me long to arrive in the store and once inside, I started looking around. It was really not a big store but it had certainly everything. They offered some toys, food, cloths and every day things you need such as cooking utensils. That was certainly making me objective pertty easy since I wanted a candle which I could find in home accessories part of the store.

Me: I wonder if I should go for this cinnamon and apple scent... or maybe this one moonlight blosson. 

???: Should you be resting?

Me: I can't. I feel restless and went to get a candle. Thanks for the concern Mister.

I still didn't looked behind me who just talked to me at all. Instead I was soo focused on the variety of the candles that they were offering. They all smelled pretty good and I was sure they were strong enough to cover the scent of blood up perfectly.

???: Mister? How about Sensei, feathers?

Me: Huh?

Did this person just call me feathers?

Who in the world calls someone feathers?

Seriously who is this guy!

Can he not just simply let me be?

Why should I even call him Sense-

The moment I started thinking about the last sentence, I turned around and found myself standing right in front of Hawks. Now it all made sense to me. No wonder this guy that I never knew before just came over and started talking to me. No one would talk to a teen with a hoody on at all. I looked shabby too. This was also the only black hoody I had too. So in this case, I wasn't quite sure if he tailored me or of he just saw someone suspicious and decided to talk to them aka me.

Me: Ahm Hawks...

Hawks: Yeas, feathers? 

Me: What-What are you doing here?

Hawks: Watching over one of my baby birds as he sneaks out of my agency.

Me: I didn't sneak out! I just wanted to buy something....

Hawks: Dressed like this and you tell me you didn't sneak out.

Me: .... Well this is comy and it keeps me warm...

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