Breaking Point

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Hawks POV:

I was sitting with the kid in the room and he looked more than angry to me. If I was about to say how I think he felt like then it was a mix od angry, disappointment and sadness. However it was not up to me to decide this since he was after all his own person that was what he told me. I still remember the words that I hold very dear. I am not a bird or a hero. I am a human and a citizen on the first place. These words  are stuck in my mind and helped me out soo many times. If I had something to say that could cheer him up or help him, I would have said them already but I felt like it would be better to leave him be.

So all I did was sitting there close to him and left him be. It just felt right to be in the same room for comfort but let him be. After all I didn't wanted him to snap completly. All of the sudden a phone went off. I didn't even realize that the kid had his phone with him. 

Me: Don't you want to take the call feathers?

Izuku: Why should I?

Me: Just have a look who is calling you. You might never know if it is important or not.

Izuku: .... But my screan is broken. 

It was true the moment he took out the phone, I could see how broken it was. No wonder after what he went through and by just the look of it, he had his phone with him while he was training with Miruko. I would call it a miracle just seeing it function at all.

However the moment he looked at the screan even if it was broken, his phase morphed into terror and I could guess why. 

Me: What's up?

Izuku: My mom.

Me: Ohh... can you pick up the call?

Izuku: My phone doesn't react at all.

Me: Here take mine. You know the number right?

I gave him my phone and he took it gratefully and even gave one honest smile. It was small but I knew it wasn't forced so it was a good beginning. He then gave his mother a call and let's just say I had a feather close to him so I could hear what was going on too. 

Inko: Hello, Inko Midoriya on the phone.

Izuku: Mom, it's me. My phone broke.

Inko: Ah IZU! My dear bunnymundy! How are you?

The woman did sound rather panicked but she also sounded very worried. However I was more worried about Izuku and how he would react to this call. After all he didn't wanted us to inform his mother at the beginning and the letter indicated that he care a lot about her.

Izuku: I am fine mom.

Ikno: Don't lie to me. I know you are at the infirmary again. What happened this time.

Izuku: How did you know?

Inko: Recovery Gril gave me a call.


Is this why Nezu made them all get out of the room!

How can that rat call his mother?

Is he insane?

Does he not know how worried this small little feathers is about his mother?

This is suicide!

Does he actually want this kid dead!

Why didn't Houn Dog stop him!

That guy is a psychologist after all!

This is bound to end bad!

Izuku: Oh...

Inko: Come on bunny, you know you can tell me anything, right?

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