26. Drunk

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First, I need yall to promise that none of you shall try to board a plane to Canada just to chop my head off. You didn't ask for this but...Well.

When the emperor died

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When the emperor died...

I was like: Okay?

Nobody in my surrounding cared. I didn't care. I'm unaffected. I spoke like 20 words in total to the guy and he did nothing to or for me. Honestly I was just anxious to finish with this exaggeratedly long mourning period. It was so long. All nobles had to wear black and go preach and stuff. I was lucky since I wasn't a head of family, but Roger had to attend numerous conferences to discuss what to do and yadda yadda yaddda...

I'm actually pretty sure though that somewhere in town kids are euphoric, glad to suddenly have 2 weeks of school break.

I'm also looking forward to Anastacius's crowning. Really. I am. I didn't give a care about Aetvum's passing, but I've never seen an empire get crowned before and I can't wait! He has my full support.

If he turns out to be a shitty emperor, well...


Well anyways.

But he's been trained, disciplined and educated with morals since he was a young child so we can all hope for the best. If anything happens, let's all blame it on Aeternitas.

I feel bad for the empress though. She's getting old as well and that cones with backpain and various illnesses. I believe we'll be rid of her soon enough as well. Okay I won't be mean, her majesty did help me a lot and most of my influence comes from her. She's also been a good empress and...well that's it. But she's been good to me in her own crooked noble ways.

Today was the day I could finally remove the black clothes. We were all supposed to be dressed extravagantly. All of us nobles. We'll be sitting through a coronation after all.

I checked myself into the mirror once more before deciding myself that that was too much vanity already and it was about time I made my way downstairs.


My dress is dark pink.

My hairclip is green.

Yuck no.

What am I? A reverse Christmas tree?! I sighed as I took the hairclip off my hair and placed it into the jewelry box. Yes, it's a risky move considering how I won't have any protection charm on myself anymore, but we're going to a cathedral that'll be literally guarded by all the soldiers of this empire combined to the nobles personal forces. So...With all the security around I doubt it'd prove useful anyway. One must look their best on days like these.

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