32. Athy

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"oOooof-EEK-AcK-OoOoooFfff..." The blonde girl tumbled down the grass after having tripped on a tree root. "Owwwwieeeeee~" She winced, struggling to get up "No, no I won't cry. Lily is always sad when I cry and she'll cry too." She huffed as if scolding herself as she dusted her dress off.

Athanasia knows how her nanny feels about herself running around outside, but truth be told, she does it all the time when Lily is occupied. The ruby palace is an empty place that's no fun to live in. She preferred going outside and play in the gardens. Sometimes she'd do her best to travel to the Emerald palace and explore the beautiful place.

(Sometimes = Every time.)

Lily told her that her father was there. She's been wanting to meet him for the longest time. Whenever she goes to the Emerald Palace's gardens she always hoped to catch a glance at him. All she ever saw were paintings and pictures. Her own father.

Nobody ever explained to her why they never met. She needs someone to explain but they always look so uncomfortable.

Lily always said that it was very complicated and that he was too busy. She said Athanasia would understand once she gets older. She always says that.

The young girl pouted as her mood dropped. She'd done everything to get her father's attention. Ev-er-y-thing. She studied hard everyday, she always tries her best, she behaves, yet he still seems to want nothing to do with her.

It's okay

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It's okay. Lily is more than enough. She only needs Lily...

But a father would be nice...She just can't help but wonder what it'd be like to have a dad!

"Aha there it is!" She exclaimed as she approached the Emerald palace's bushes. "Uh oh, someone's coming-"

She hid beneath the bushes as the sound of a carriage approached.

Her father always has visitors. Visitors of all ages from all places. He always has time for strangers. Always.

Athanasia sighed as she turned her head towards the opened golden gates where the carriage stopped, expecting men in expensive clothes to get down.

The 7 year old watched as butler John opened the carriage door with shaky hands and helped a lady get down from the carriage as his eyes widened.

She watched with confusion as the woman gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder as he seemed to wipe away some tears of joy, looking very much happy to see her as she smiled at him. Then he helped a girl around Athy's age down. Athanasia couldn't see her face, but she could tell the girl was the woman's daughter due to their similar brown hair. Then a boy with silver hair hopped down from the carriage and gave butler John a respectful nod.

Ijekiel Alpheus.

Athanasia has seen him visit the Emerald Palace a few times. She deemed him one of the most intriguing and lucky beings alive. His father seemed to treasure him very much, he was smart and went to school, had many friends, and succeeded in most things. He seemed to have it all. She'd love to talk to him one day. He seemed nice.

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