34. After the marriage

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You can call it a marriage if you want. I literally call it "homework". Neither Claude nor I wanted a ceremony. Since we were young we weren't fond of big events. I didn't want to start picking dresses and choosing deserts.

We had a meeting with the nobles to get their support. They all agreed. Well they didn't agree agree, but none of them disagreed. Plus I was his legal fiancée. What was there to say?

We signed a paper there, answered a few questions, said our vows. That was it.

Oh and yes...

We shook hands 💀

He and I also agreed to a fact: No honeymoon.

It's not like we never slept together. We were 8 during our first night together and it was great. What was the point of consuming the marriage? After all each one of us already had a child and there was no politic in Obelia saying that girls weren't allowed to ascend to the throne.

Everyone had automatically assumed that Jeannette was Claude's hidden child. They just saw her eyes for a split second and then they seemed to understand. The jeweled blue eyes, the fact that Claude and I once were a tight couple...They all thought that we had eloped too early and to avoid a scandal before our marriage I had to leave.


Idiots really.

Of course none of them remembered both Anastacius and I were missing at the same time during his after coronation banquet.

Per Claude's request, I agreed not to contradict them. I didn't want to argue about Jeannette. It was for her sake after all. Claude had claimed her as his own daughter.

I was still sorting back all my stuff into my new room, which used to be Morgana, the last empress's, room. It was creepy knowing she died on the bed I sleep on currently, so I ordered it to be replaced. I have to say, being the empress is much different than just being a count's daughter. Instead of one maid coming in each morning, I have like...5??? And they're all very fussy!! They refuse to leave when I ask them to and they always insist to do everything for me.

I didn't yell at them because I didn't want a reputation as the "bad tempered empress". I just very kindly asked them to go away or be fired. They wanted to make me put on a feathered dress in this weather. They must be mad.

I asked them to tend to my daughter instead since she didn't seem to mind so much. They liked tending to her too since she always gave them sunny smiles and was very docile.

I just needed Jane like always. Jane and me myself of course.

"Jettieee??" I peaked into my daughter's room where she was playing house with two maids. Each had a puppet in their hands and were role playing as 3 best friends having a tea party.

"Mommy?" She looked up and waved her puppet at me "Hellooooo kind ladyy!! My name is Stellaaa!"

I smiled and told her: "I'll go out for a bit, okay?"

"Where are you going? Can I come??" She asked.

"Not this time Jettie-bunny!" I said, biting my lip "But bunny, the emperor wishes to eat lunch with you so be sure to be in his office at 12, okay??"

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