Welcome to Dangan Island!: Part 6

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Mahiru didn't quite care where it was that she went next. All she cared about what getting as far away from those two as possible.

In all fairness, Kazuichi had actually been fairly polite, but he had been acting far too laid back in this stressful situation for Mahiru's liking. She understood that if there wasn't an engine, there wasn't much he good do, but even so, he really didn't seem to be even remotely dependable.

Gundham on the other hand was a complete loose cannon, and Mahiru at this point didn't even want to associate herself with him. If what Kazuichi said was true and that there really were rules in place to protect everyone while they stayed on the island, that was good and all, but she wasn't looking forward to staying on this island with either of them, to be perfectly honest.

Well...at least his hamsters were cute.

Accompanied still by Hiyoko, she continued down the path to see where the road took them next, and found herself outside what appeared to be fairly large supermarket building. A large glowing sign was held outside that said "Rocketpunch Market," which the two girls walked under as they went inside.

"I didn't think there'd be a shop this big on this island," Hiyoko looked around at the supplies on sale "but then again, I guess we are technically at a resort island."

"Yeah, I agree," Mahiru said "on the bright side, even if we are trapped here, at least this place is well equipped...Wait, we don't need to buy this stuff, do we? It's not...poisoned, is it?"

"How would I know? It's not like I have any money anyway," Hiyoko replied "and jeez. You just said we'd be well equipped, but now you're worrying?"

"I'm just saying, there's a lot about this that doesn't feel right," Mahiru told her "there's food here, but what if it isn't edible? I just don't feel comfortable with the fact that there's a supermarket THIS big on this island, and yet we're the only one's here...Hiyoko, are you listening?"

"Hold on a second..." she held up her hand, suddenly looking towards a nearby shelf. Mahiru originally didn't suspect anything, but suddenly, Hiyoko walked over to the shelf and kicked it! This action was surprising enough, but what was even more surprising was that it was followed by a panicked scream, and someone fell out from behind the shelf and tumbled to the floor.

"I knew it!" Hiyoko leered "I knew I could feel someone staring at us! What's with you, you stalker!?"

"EEEEP!" the girl screamed "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be creepyyy!!!"

The girl may have been watching them, but she didn't seem remotely dangerous. She had fair skin and long, choppy, dark, purple plum-colored hair that was cut unevenly, ranging from below her fingertips to above her neck. Her bangs flowed straight down, but were also cut at visibly differing levels. She had pale gray-mauve eyes that conveyed a constant level of anxiety and sadness. There was also a beauty mark under her left eye's corner. In terms of outfit, she  wore a uniform which consisted of a pale pink short-sleeved shirt with a white collar and puffed sleeves trimmed with white. A short, pale blue, slightly wrinkled pleated skirt was visible underneath. She also wore a white apron over this which was tied behind her neck with a ribbon. It was marked with two red lines on the left side of the apron, one going down to her middle and another short red line perpendicular to the vertical one in a simple design. As well as this, she had bandages wrapped around her left forearm and hand, excluding the fingers, and around her right leg from her mid-thigh to above her ankle, much like how Gundham had bandages on his arm, but these one's were far more well-kept. Additionally, she had a square gauze band-aid on her left kneecap and wore pale pink crew length socks and white loafers.

"Ok, ok, let's all just calm down a second," Mahiru got in the way of the two, and helped the purple-haired girl up to her feet "I'm sure she didn't mean us any harm Hiyoko. Why don't we just hear her out?"

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