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It's been...a bit.

And by a bit, I mean it's been a year.

To this day, I am still getting message after message asking me what's going on with this story, and I feel like if I don't address it, it won't stop. 

The reason why I didn't say anything before now is that I kept telling myself that I was gonna write the story, and that I was gonna keep going with it, but I just never did, and therefore, I never said anything about it, even when people kept sending me messages asking what I was doing.

So I'm here to explain a few things, but honestly, the reality is pretty simple.

I won't be so brazen as to "announce" that ReCaptured is on hiatus, because it has been for the past year, and I just never said as much.

There are two primary reasons why I've left this story on such a cliffhanger, but it mainly has to do with my personal situation. 

I fell into the trap of taking on too many projects at once, while also doing work that focused on my university animation degree, which is why the number of content I've been able to put out online has been significantly low, especially with the last month. Because I was taking on so many projects, a few of them had to be prematurely put to bed for a while before I decided to tap on them again, and ReCaptured was the one that suffered the most from it.

I jumped into writing ReCaptured when I very clearly was not ready for it. I wasn't ready to take on the challenge of a full-fledged Danganronpa rewrite again, despite the fact that to this day, the prequel, ReProgrammed, is one of my most popular works across the whole internet.

To put frankly, I am not satisfied with what I have put out from ReCaptured so far, nor am I certain what to do with the future of this plot. I wasn't having fun writing it, my standards for writing went up significantly, and I just saw no reason to keep going, since I was in a major slump, suffering from so many blocks, and it just hasn't been working out.

That's why I moved onto writing Phantom Thieves of Hope, since it's a fun story with not as many restrictions, and I'm dedicating that title to being my main literary piece on WattPad right now.

So please go and read that, because if you enjoyed the writing here, you'll enjoy it there, even if you aren't a massive Persona fan, I still think you'll find something fun from it.

The big question though is this. "Is ReCaptured cancelled? Are we never going to see any more chapters from this story?"

And to that I say, "no."

I will probably get back to this at some point when I'm in a good enough headspace to write it, and when I'm actually satisfied. In fact, I'm thinking of getting the second investigation and trial out of the way in the near future. 

But if I do, then expect me to go on another lengthy hiatus almost immediately after while I continue to prioritize my other projects.

In summary, ReCaptured is not "over" but it's not to the quality that I would like it to be, and I'm struggling to give much of a care for this story anymore. So until I find the motivation, the drive, the passion and the talent again, it's going to remain on the shelf.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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