Ch 5 - Bastards

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Cole struggled as he felt ropes coiling his arms, legs, and body. He couldn't stand up, but at least with every effort he gave, ropes would snap

"Keep it down!" a human yelled as Cole growled and pulled with all his strength, feeling more ropes snapping as he was able to move again

He stood up and shook all the nets and ropes, then running off as he heard them following behind

"Shit," he curses and looks at his watch and opens a portal as he goes in, seeing he was back at the bar he took the watch at night

He entered as he noticed some men laughing. "Cole! Nice to have you back!" the bartender said as he hands him a prepared drink

"Your usual?" he asks as Cole nods. He takes the drink and sips, looking down on the table as the bartender sits with him

"What happened? Did you finally see them?" the bartender asks as Cole slams the drink hard on the bar table

"I'll take that as a yes," he says nervously as Cole sighs, "Those bastards. They had the guts to have me roped."

Bartender: Well, they do seem agile

Cole: Clay is weak! He is not agile! This was just luck!

Bartender: Then I guess he was smart enough to play mind games

Cole: The military was after him! I can't believe I let my guard down!

Bartender: Excuses, excuses. Cole, admit it. Clay is not the same he was before

Cole takes another swig and slams the shot cup, only this time, it shattered, making Cole hiss in pain as blood trickled from his palm and fingers

He shook his hand as small glass shards flew out, and some were pierced into his skin and he turns to leave

He goes into his makeshift house, which was hidden in the woods. Cole takes the glass shards with tweezers as he winced and placed them in the trash bin

Cole washed his hands and grabbed some bandages and wrapped the cloth around his hand. He rips it and places tape as he sighs and sits on the chair he made a long time ago

"You bastards will pay," Cole sneers as he stands up to shower, which is a waterfall nearby some big boulders

He finishes and lies down on his bed, hissing angrily as he replayed the scene of what happened earlier

Maybe he did improve. Maybe the bartender was telling the truth. Clay did bring the military, but it was not for him, but for Cole

He closes his eyes and thrashes the entire night. He growls and angrily rips the blanket he has and he screamed, waking up as he looked at the watch

"11:16, barely?" Cole grunts as he gets up and gets dressed. He didn't see where Clay went when he got captured, but he did manage to see a bit when Clay picked up George

That human named George. Cole can see why he fell for him. Cole shakes the thought of the human as he tries to focus back on the plan of action he will take

Clay probably is still back in the human world, protecting the family as they are probably packing their items to leave this city

"I must get them before they leave," he whispers as he uses the watch to make the portal, but nothing happened

"What?" he asks as he noticed the watch was blinking red. "Shit!" he curses as he realized it was on low battery

He had no charger for this thing. How on earth will he get one? He heard people laughing as he peeked through his window. Not many people go into the woods at 10 pm

"Hmm," Cole hums as he noticed they had the traveler watches, meaning they were part of the company Akira works at

He swerves in the trees, making sounds as they looked around. "Anyone here?" one asks as Cole looks down from the tree, smiling like a maniac as he roared, scaring the two and they dropped their items

Cole climbed down and took the charger as he ran back to his house. He connected the plug in and the watch was charging as Cole sighs, "At least you get a head start, but don't be too hopeful, because I can still track you down."

Cole laughs as he finally goes to bed, sleeping peacefully as he dreams about capturing the humans and finally taking revenge on his twin brother

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