The popular and the freak (english)

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He was one of these guys who just get what they want, one of the popular guys, everyone knew. Don't get me wrong, he was not that one guy every girl wanted to be noticed by and every guy wanted to be like. No, he was just one of the popular ones, no one too special, yet he had a reputation to loose.

She on the other hand was the school's freak. She was poor, had no friends and wasn't extraordinary beautiful. She was pretty, but in an ordinary way. She was the girl everyone knew, but no one knew her name, because no one cared. Not one of her classmates knew why she was the freak, she simply was - since she moved here three years ago.

She was abused at home, so she always wore long clothes to hide her wounds, she could have worn tight clothing, but it hurt too much, so she wore baggy tops and loose pants, not caring about her appearance, because every other outfit would have hurt her even more. Her long blonde hair could have been something to make her noticed, but she always wore it as a messy bun, trying to avoid any kind of attention. As long as she remembered attention was something bad and only caused a lot of pain.

So that was what her life was like and it didn't seem to change up to that one day, when the teacher decided to pair up the class for a project.

"Alright everyone! I'll announce the teams. Mary you'll work with Samuel, Sarah with Luis, ..." The first ones started to groan in annoyance, as the teacher continued to pair up boys and girls. "... Jane with Max and that leaves ... ah, Lily and Peter." Lily was in shock . Out of all people she had to be paired up with Peter? About a year ago he had noticed her presence and he had made sure that even school was some personal hell for her. She heard one of the popular guys complaining, because the girl he was paired up with wasn't as hot as he'd like his partner to be. She sighed quietly. Arrogant assholes! "If I understand you right you're not okay with being in a team with Alexa? May I ask why that's the case, Eric?" Even the teacher was annoyed by that guy proving how much of an idiot he was. She listened half-hearted as he made up an excuse about how Alexa's grades weren't that good and he wanted to work with someone who was more intelligent and so on. While talking he kept glancing over to Cora, who was good at school and fast to give a boy what he wanted. Lily didn't really listen, but concentrated on drawing in her notebook, as she heard her name. Shocked she tried to figure out what was going on, when the teacher repeated his words. "I said you're going to work with Lily then, she's got the best grades in this class, so you should be fine working with her." "Who the f*ck is Lily?"

After Eric had discussed matters with the teacher a while longer, the lesson was over and just like always Lily dissappeared in the crowd easily, hurrying to her locker. She got there and froze. Eric Steel was leaning against her locker, searching the crowd for her. She just stood and stared. Maybe if I'll wait a little longer he'll go away and I don't have to speak with him. But luck wasn't with her as he spotted her and signaled for her to come.

"I haven't got all day, girl. So here's how things will work: You'll take some of the time you're doing I don't know what, but it obviously isn't working for your outer appearance, and then we'll do this project. You got it? I don't want to work with you, you're neither pretty nor funny nor anything else and I honestly couldn't care less about you, but I need a good grade on this to pass the year, so we'll do this a quick as possible, ..."

"Lily. Lily Frost. And yes, I'd much rather work on my own, too, but since we have to do it together I agree we should do it rather quick. So that none of us needs to stay in the other one's presence longer than absolutely necessary."

"I see it we have an understanding then?"

She nodded and he left, joining his friends, surrounded by some girls she despised for throwing themselves at every male person easily.

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