Fight To The Death

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The first day was nothing compared to what Shigaraki had in store for them.

Instead of birds chirping, the morning was filled with the delightful sounds of screaming. As he expected, Deku had his turn being tortured after Yuriko. He was already emotionally exhausted, but he needed to be strong for the other prisoners.

Izuku's analytical mind reviewed the strange torture drug, perhaps to take his mind off the pain and keep him sane. Nevertheless, his brain supplied that the feeling of burning started where the serum was injected and then spread to the rest of his body. The question is, was it causing actual damage or only tricking his mind into thinking there was pain? It could be both--

This was as far as he got before the only thing he could process was the blinding pain. Not that he wasn't feeling it before, but this was sharper and more focused. After another one of these sharper pains, he heard someone trying to speak to him but he couldn't make it out. There was another one and he vaguely realized that it wasn't the serum. It must have been a knife or a--

CRACK-! There it was again, how did he miss it before? It's so loud. The pain seemed less intense now, and his senses were coming back.

CRACK-! Pain streaked across his chest. He heard a screech. It might have been himself.

His vision was starting to clear and he saw a familiar man in front of him holding a whip, poised to strike. He braced himself for the sting and the man- Shigaraki said, "It-eem.. the..rug is-earin-f..."

Rug? What rug? His brain felt muddy and he couldn't hear much around the ringing in his ears.

He was plopped down on the cold, hard floor, he didn't even feel himself being unstrapped or picked up.

"I wonder how much of this I can give you before you are in danger of dying." Shigaraki taunted while flicking the empty needle he had used on Izuku.

He paled at the thought.

"Now that you are fully conscious," Shigaraki sneered, "I have a new surprise for you."

"N-no, please! Leave him alone! Don't--" Poor Oda was cut off by his collar's cruel punishment.

Izuku's head snapped over to Oda's direction. He forgot how terrible it must've been for all of them to have to watch. He stole a glance at Yuriko who was whimpering and pale, looking at him with large, wet eyes. Keisuke was indifferent.

"Don't? I am the one in charge!" Shigaraki began to scratch his neck, "You can't tell me what I should or shouldn't do, and now, you will join in his punishment!"

"W-wait no, Shigaraki! I-I'll take his punish-punishment!" Izuku pleaded, not able to stand the thought of Oda getting hurt in defense of him.

"Both of you are pathetic, and your self-sacrificing attitudes are disgusting. It also seems you can't make up your minds, so, I will make both of you fight." Shigaraki said with twisted glee.

"F-fighting?" Izuku asked.

Shigaraki only smirked and tapped his tablet, causing Deku and Oda to fall into unconsciousness.

When Izuku came to, he felt that same head-pounding fogginess he felt the first time he was knocked out. It must've been the same drug.

He peeked at his surroundings and saw Oda directly beside him, but that was basically the only thing he could see, the room was incredibly dark.

Oda blinked awake and looked around, when he noticed Deku he gasped quietly.

"A-are we going to be ok?" He asked.

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