The Escape

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Keisuke was gasping for breath in the doorway, hanging onto the frame for support. He looked ready to pass out.

"Keisuke," Izuku whispered, "you actually got it?"

He nodded and almost fell over, before pressing something on the tablet that released the chains and collars. The click thud of the collars coming off and hitting the floor echoed against the walls. Yuriko looked indifferent, maybe a little confused, but Izuku could hardly believe it. He reached up and traced the area where the collar used to be.

"We- we don't have time to sit around, come on, we have to go now!" Keisuke said urgently.

Izuku stumbled to his feet, cradling Yuriko in his arms as he headed to the door. Now that he was in better lighting, he could see how beat-up Keisuke was. As soon as Izuku reached Keisuke, they took off running. The last time he had run like this was when he fought the nomu with Oda, just the memory made him want to puke.

No one spoke a word as they sprinted down the halls. The only sounds were their echoing footsteps and heavy breathing. It was ominous. Yuriko was getting heavier and heavier in his arms, but he couldn't make Keisuke hold her after all he's had to do before this.

Izuku had no idea how Keisuke was able to know where they were going, it was like a labyrinth. He never hesitated or missed a turn, it was as if he knew this place better than his own home.

Suddenly, Keisuke stopped at a pair of double doors, and all of Izuku's fatigue hit him. He was so out of shape, that he thought he might fall over right there. Being tortured really takes a lot out of you.

"Y- you said- the other day, you- you heard directions- from a doctor?" Keisuke managed to say between deep breaths, "You said- you just- needed to get- t-to the hospital wing first?"

Izuku looked up at the doors, realizing where they were, "Oh, yes, f-follow me."

Izuku ran in the direction he heard from the doctor, turning a few times before stopping at a staircase that led to a door. The eerie silence was still present, he wondered why no one was chasing them. They were certainly making enough noise to warrent it.

They quickly made their way up the stairs, and Izuku reached for the door handle.

"I'm sorry about this...Deku," Keisuke said out of nowhere.

Before Izuku could comprehend the implications behind this apology, the door opened from the inside.

Izuku gasped and backed up, almost falling down the stairs. There in the doorway stood Shigaraki, a flash of triumph in his eyes. Izuku held Yuriko tighter as if it would make any difference.

Shigaraki only laughed and grabbed ahold of his arm, disintegrating the top layer of skin, "That was fun, I can't believe you fell for it, I even had the doctor repeat it twice so you'd hear it. Did you really not suspect anything? I guess you just leaped at any possible way to escape."

Izuku's breathing quickened, it was all a trap, and Keisuke... He looked over at Keisuke who wore a blank expression.

"Keisuke-?" Izuku was cut off by Shigaraki yanking him into the empty room.

"He was only following orders," Shigaraki said.

As Izuku stood there in front of Shigaraki, he suddenly realized something. He no longer had the quirk canceling cuffs on. He could fight back this time.

He felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he powered up his quirk.

"Wait a minute, what are you-" Shigaraki didn't have the chance to finish before Izuku jumped off the ground and kicked him square in the jaw, making him fly across the room.

Izuku couldn't stop the laugh from bursting out of his mouth. He hadn't had this much fun in a long time.


Keisuke was impressed, this guy just kicked Shigaraki in the face, easily breaking his jaw, but he was also terrified. He highly doubted he'd get out of this alive, Shigaraki was stunned at the moment and the hero had rage radiating off of him.

He backed up against the wall, hoping Deku would forget about him. A very slim chance.

Deku then turned around and Keisuke closed his eyes.

"Keisuke," Oh no, there was no getting out of this, he was going to die, "Come on, we have to escape before he gets up."



Keisuke opened one eye to see Deku setting Yuriko down on her feet and reaching a hand out to him. Keisuke could only sputter confusion as Deku pulled him up the stairs.

"Wha- why? Why would you-?"

"I couldn't just leave you here, Shigaraki has obviously been controlling you somehow."

Keisuke was astonished, how could he possibly be thinking of others at this moment? He was a true hero.

Chuckling started behind Deku and he whirled around to see Shigaraki holding onto Yuriko's hair. As she was struggling against him, Shigaraki used his other hand to adjust his jaw.

Deku's breath caught in his throat and he started trembling.

"You spent too long chatting, and now she dies," Shigaraki said with a smile, still holding his jaw.

"NO-!" Deku yelled as he lunged forward.

Yuriko's hair began to disintegrate in Shigaraki's hand. Deku went for a punch, but Shigaraki dodged and kicked him in the stomach. He was slammed into the wall and got up as quickly as he could to attack again. Deku was going to protect her, he knows he will.

By now, Yuriko was crying and trying desperately to escape. Deku jumped off the wall in the direction of Shigaraki, trying to punch again.

Once again, he deflected it, " You're so predictabl-"

Shigaraki looked down.

Keisuke couldn't see what it was he was looking at, since Deku's body was blocking it, but he knew it must be bad. Shigaraki's expression and the chilling smile on Deku's face were enough to make him hold his breath.

He stepped back to reveal a knife stuck in Shigaraki's abdomen.

Shigaraki fell to the ground.

"How do you like that, bitch?"

That was the same knife Shigaraki stabbed him with on the first day.

(1042 words)

Published: September 19, 2022


Every once in a while I'll go back to chapters and edit some bits so hopefully one day this fanfiction will reach its FINAL FORM >:3

Every once in a while I'll go back to chapters and edit some bits so hopefully one day this fanfiction will reach its FINAL FORM >:3

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