Catastrophic Boredom

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I apologize for the delay, I was cuddling my cat

I've also done some major updates to chapter 7, and some fairly important updates to the end of chapter 10, so check that out.

I am bored.

I've been laying down for a really long time and everything is dark. Sure, there has been plenty to focus on lately, now that I'm outside of the grey. But, that only makes this moment worse. It feels like I'm back in the grey, where nothing moves.

I wish there was something I could do. I always have that feeling, like I'm meant to do something.

As much as I hate the dark moment, I have had more fun while the colorful blobs move than I've ever had. far as I can remember... It's so weird. If someone were to ask me what my first memory was, I couldn't tell them! (And not just because I don't know how to do that) It's all so fuzzy. If I try really hard, I can vaguely remember being very upset for some reason. I'm not exactly sure what I would have been upset about. Maybe it's because I didn't have a friend like I do now. Ah, my friend...I love my friend. I want to see my friend. With all the black squiggles...

Oh, I've gotten way off track. What was I thinking about again..?

Oh! Yes, before the grey. Hmm... What did happen? I know something must've happened... It's uh...


Hm? What's that? I don't like that word.

There were screams...

Why? Is that bad? What does it mean?

It... hurts.

Hurts? Where are these words coming from? I feel like I know them. I just thought about them after all.

They should be here. They're gone. They're gone.

What's gone?

I've lost them. Everything is... gone...

I've... lost? I know what it is. The emptiness, the grey, the blobs. It's because I lost them. But... who?




I... can't remember.


I think something is moving...

There's a flash and...

The colors are back! No more dark!

Well, this is great! I can watch the blobs again.

At first, it's sorta slow. Some blue, some white, and a few other small colors here and there. Then, the fun part comes. Lots of whooshing colors moving everywhere super fast. Like woosh. Then, boring again. Everything is pretty still except for some black blob that's really far away, but it's still better than the dark or the grey.

I can't wait for the fast blobs. I know they'll come soon, after the boring black blob. That black blob reminds me of my friend a little.

Wait, I think there is something in front of me. I guess I was too lost in thought to see it.

It's a sort of white-ish brown color, and all around it are some black...squiggles- MY FRIEND!?

Is it? Is it? Can it be? My friend? Is my friend back?

Yes! It has to be my friend! I'm so excited! I'm so very happy! I have so many things I want to tell my friend. I-

Friend? Where did my friend go? Oh no! This is terrible! I don't want to lose my friend too!

MY FRIEND! My friend is back! I'm so-

Where did my friend go this time?

What is this?

There is another white-ish brown thing, except, instead of the black squiggles, there is some fuzzy brown stuff all around.

I wonder what this could be. It looks a little bit like my friend, but I know it isn't.

Once again, the colors are moving. I can't believe I missed it!

Something moves else in front of me. It's white-ish brown, just like the other two. Around the blob is some dark green stuff that seems vaguely familiar...

I like this dark green stuff.

After some moving around, watching the blobs go back and forth across my vision, I see my friend again. My friend isn't as close this time, but I know my friend is there. The black squiggles move around next to me.

I feel so content, I am right next to my friend! I wish I could tell my friend things, but right now I'm just happy I can see my friend.

Wait... the squiggles, where are they going? No no, my friend is leaving. Where is my friend going? I don't want this! I just want my friend! Come back! Please! All I want is to see you!

If only I could do something to get my friend back, but all I can do is watch the colors! Come back! Come back!

It seems like the wetness has come back... I wonder why? No! I can't be thinking about that right now! I want my friend! I don't want to lose my friend too!

There's some black. Black...? It's also squiggly... Black and squiggly? Could it be my friend? YES! It is my friend! Yaaaaaay!

My friend is back! My friend is back! My friend is back! My friend is back! My friend is back!


All this happy is making me tired... Hmm, I have my friend. I think I'll sleep now...


(about three hours later)

Wow, this is boring.

(825 words)

Published: December 7, 2022


Every once in a while I'll go back to chapters and edit some bits so hopefully one day this fanfiction will reach its FINAL FORM >:3

Every once in a while I'll go back to chapters and edit some bits so hopefully one day this fanfiction will reach its FINAL FORM >:3

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