Gone, But Still Here

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It only took one more day for Deku to break. Keisuke had no idea what happened. He didn't respond to anything Keisuke said and didn't seem to care about anything Shigaraki said.

"Good, I guess it's time then," Shigaraki commented menacingly.



He had seen so much of his own blood that he thought he might even be able to tell the difference between his and someone else's.

His hand was pinned above his head by a knife in such a way that forced him to stand on his stumps, mostly his right. His right leg being longer, because of the amount of time it took for him to saw through. Luckily it was his right hand that was pinned, not his left. Making it much easier to shift the weight from each leg.

Shigaraki had come in the room sometime after Izuku had woken up, only to yank him up off the ground and stab his hand. While Izuku was fretting about his new injury, Shigaraki wedged the side of the knife poking through his hand into a crack in the wall, where he would spend the next couple of hours.

He blankly watched the next drop of blood trail down his arm, it halted at the inside of his elbow briefly before continuing on after it was joined by a few other drops that found the trail it left behind. Another drop caught his attention as it sped down his arm, beating the other one to his armpit by a second.

He vaguely remembered playing a similar, much less morbid, game in the car when he was bored. He'd watch raindrops roll down the window, trying to see which was fastest. He wondered what his mother would think if she knew that he was playing the same game with his own blood.

Izuku sagged slightly, his stumps just hurt so much, but he felt a much worse pain shoot through his arm as the knife dug into his hand more. He considered just pulling his hand down as quickly as he could so that he wouldn't have to hang there any longer but realized that he didn't have enough strength. Even if he managed to, Shigaraki would punish him for it. All he could do was wait.

He wished he could do something. The boredom and anticipation were agonizing. Even talking to Keisuke was better than this, if only Shigaraki hadn't hauled him off.

Pretty soon, he got his wish.

Shigaraki kicked the door open with a clang and pushed in a rolling cart that was covered with a bloodstained sheet. Izuku jolted back in surprise.

He rolled it to a stop next to Izuku.

"You look so pathetic."

What a nice greeting.

Shigaraki dramatically flung the sheet covering the cart off, revealing multiple tools, a bucket, and what looked like a small furnace.

Grinning like a maniac, he grabbed a random screwdriver and rammed it into the same arm that was pinned to the wall. Izuku screamed and Shigaraki grabbed ahold of his filthy hair, pulling him close to his face. He knew he must've looked extra pathetic this time, he had lost all fighting spirit.

"We are going to have some extra fun today for that stunt you pulled yesterday, and there won't be any little girl to make you feel better this time." Shigaraki spat in his face.

He let go and grabbed a needle, flicking it before injecting it into Izuku. This drug didn't seem to do much until the pain in his arm and hand increased. He grunted in pain and Shigaraki chuckled.

"Pain enhancing. It will make this much more interesting."

Shigaraki then placed the bucket that had previously been seated atop the mini furnace, in front of Izuku. Inside the bucket was boiling water.

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