See you again....

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Later that afternoon...............

Taylor was sitting in her room, on the bed with her diary as the waterfall of tears streamed down her face. She was going through all her previous entries in which, she had mentioned about all the troubles Joe ever did to her. She couldn't stop laughing reading those. She looked at the band which had, 'ENEMIES FOREVER' written on it and gave a wet smile. 

She closed her diary and grabbed her phone. She went to his number and typed, 

'Joe, I'm so sorry about everything. And I mean about the cruel prank I did to you, and the way I never thanked you. So thank you. Not just for saving me that day from breaking my bones and trying to protect me from getting punched right in the face, but thank you, for making all these years in he school special for me. Even though you are my enemy, I hope you find happiness there. You meant a lot to me and p-p-please come here'

She finished typing and looked up, thinking if she should send the message. Then she realized that she had already messed everything up and she can't make this right. She was late, very late. She saved that message as a draft and closed her mobile. 

Joe plugged his earphones in and started his sad playlist. He leant his head on the car window, looking outside as the songs entered his ears. Silent tears came out of his eyes. There was only one thing he could think about, Taylor. He saw Taylor running behind his car. He heard her shouting his name. But he ignored her. He watched her crying and running as her bones and muscles hurt like hell. He didn't do anything for he knew that once he stopped and said her a goodbye, he won't be able to go. He won't be able to leave her. He looked at his wrist which had a band of 'ENEMIES FOREVER' written on it and gave a smile of acceptance. The band which they exchanged in 9th grade on enemy day. His heart was hurting and paining leaving everything behind because of his parents. He opened his Instagram and went to their unofficial school account which was operated by multiple students. He went through the posts and found loads of pictures where Taylor and Joe were giving each other a death stare, one was embarrassed and the other laughed, and also, where both of them were laughing. 

He wiped tears off his face and went to her number. With a lot of courage, he began to type, 

'Taylor, I know you don't like me. I am sorry I didn't meet you for the last time and I know we weren't really on good enemy terms. I know you hate me and that is our friendship. But, you know what? All those pranks we did to each other, those hysterical laughs, those embarrassing moments, those arguments, they were the best memories of all the years I spent at this school. I may have never admitted it, but you were the reason these memories were 13000% amazing. You mean a lot to me and all our secret hangouts, god knows if we are friends or enemies or what? But I know one thing, you are very important to me and I miss you' 

He stared at the message for a while and not having the courage, he saved it as a draft. He didn't deserve to send this message. He should've met her and its his fault their last interaction was a terrible one, not an emotional goodbye. 

The school for Taylor became dumb and damp. She didn't have anyone to fight with. Who would play mean prank wars with her. Her heart was shattered and wished if she could talk to him one last time, may it be another argument. She never loved arguing, but she loved fighting him. Only with him. She was hurt and didn't know how she would be able to spend the rest of the school without his enemy, Joe. 


7 years later........

Years passed by and Joe and Taylor didn't, more like couldn't contact each other. The phone numbers and Instagram handles were just a few taps away on their mobile, but they let go. It pierced through their hearts, but neither of them had the courage to call or even message each other. Those last messages remained saved as drafts. All they did was view their stories and posts, but never talked. Their raging hearts refrained them to do so. 

Raging Hearts- JaylorWhere stories live. Discover now