Pretend Girlfriend

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Joe was standing near his gate, waiting for Taylor. It had been fifteen minutes, and hence, his patience had come to an end. He went upstairs to her room, to tell her to move her hands faster.

He saw her doing her makeup in slow motion, while talking to whom he thought Abigail.

"Taylor!!!" Joe exclaimed from the door, as she looked at him.

"I'll call you later" She mumbled and setting the phone aside, she said, "What?"

"I am punctual, but I won't be anymore and thats because of you" He fumed at her.

She got up from her chair, and walking with her gorgeous purple dress, she snapped back, "Oh please! Make up takes time, okay"

"Why are you even doing makeup, huh?" He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Because everyone does. Even you do it. When you have to go to your award functions and stuff" She said, applying the last product, lipstick on her lips.

"It won't make any difference. You look an idiot now, and even after make up, you'll still look an idiot" He said and laughed.

"Oh you know what? Just go. I'll go there myself" She rolled her eyes and wore her heels.

"Fine. See you soon" He said, throwing his hands in the air and went downstairs.

After another ten minutes, Taylor bid a bye to the cats and went out of the house. She opened her mobile to book a cab, when a car horn caught her attention. She looked besides her, in the driveway and saw Joe, sitting in the car.

She was quite surprised. She raised her eyebrow in suspicion and just stared at the car, not sure of what was going on in front of her eyes.

"Are you not gonna come now?" He shouted, turning on the engine of the car.

"Oh yeah. Just coming!" She came out of her thoughts and sat in the car. She put on the seatbelt, when she received a flashing grin from him.

"You're welcome" He said.

"I never thanked you" She gave a sarcastic smile.

"I know. You never do" He softly said, now driving the car.

She cleared her throat and then said, "See mister, you are not doing me any favour. I told you to go. You're the one constantly offering me help" She said, rage in her eyes. Which was quite obvious. She never like taking help from others. And Joe was only making it worse for her.

He stopped the car, right in the middle of the road. Piercing her eyes with his gaze, he looked like a literal devil. A handsome devil. With a threatening look in his eyes, he declared, "You could've denied my help every time. But you accept it. I am doing a normal courtesy. I'm trying to show you my kindness, and I do it with everybody. You're no different"

She softly gasped, now breaking the eye contact. She ran her hand through her styled hair, trying to breath. She didn't almost choke because she got scared by him. Rather, the last words, hit her like daggers right into her chest. I'm trying to show you my kindness, and I do it with everybody. You're no different. She felt something big and heavy dropped right into her stomach, however, she tried it her best not to show it on her face. She didn't know why she felt that way. She wasn't suppose to care what he thought of her, right?

Shoving her feelings aside, she said, "There was no choice left for me"

"There is always a choice. Just because we choose to ignore it, doesn't mean there was no other option" He said, starting the car again.

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