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one month later...

It was a brisk and sunny afternoon. Taylor was sitting on the small couch besides the window, looking blankly at a tree. She took a sip of the orange juice as her breakfast plate remained untouched. 

As always, there were a lot of things going on in the little brain of hers. Her new book, 'WILDEST DREAMS' was gonna publish today, only if she hadn't postponed it. Because with new book comes a lot of interviews, posts for engagement, promotion and just so much work. And she wasn't exactly in the state of working. 

On the other side of her brain, were a plenty of questions. She wondered if she should meet him the last time at the airport. Because she knew practically, they weren't gonna possibly see each other ever again. She didn't ask him details, but wondered about his flight timings and when will he land, how was his actual house and many unnecessary questions. 

Meanwhile, Joe just sat in the taxi, which was gonna take him to the airport. He closed the windows and with his cap still over his head, he thought if he should stop at Taylor's apartment or not. Because it wasn't exactly far away and he felt like she deserved that goodbye. 

Two weeks ago...

"So, last two weeks here?" Taylor asked, her legs hanging in the water of the pool. 

"Yeah. Well, are you gonna miss me?" Joe curiously asked, hoping for a yes. 

After a few seconds, she looked up at the stars and drinking beer from the plastic cup, she responded, "No... why the hell would I ever miss you?" 

He knew she was lying. Or he wished so. However, he couldn't let her know about how he wanted her to miss him. "Phew, thank god. Because I don't care if you miss me or now... I have a lot of people to miss me and who are better than you" 

"This didn't make sense at all lmao" she let out a dissorted laugh. 

"Yeah, as if you make any sense" He mumbled angrily, rolling his eyes. 

His mind was battling whether to go to her or not. 

"Where to, monsieur" the driver asked. 

"The airport please, merci" Joe replied. 

He didn't know if this decision was right or not, but he definitely knew one thing, if he went there, he won't say anything but a lame excuse to meet her and she, she would be too stubborn to say anything polite. 


Taylor was sitting with her phone, guitar in her hand on the rug in her living room. She loved writing songs, but she didn't think it was too well to make it as a career. Striking her fingers in the strings of her favourite silver sparkle guitar, she started humming a tune, trying to put her feelings into songs. 

Just when she started to mumble some lyrics, the doorbell intruppted her. "Urghhh fuck you!" She groaned, got up from the floor and went to take the door. 

She opened the door and a big smile appeared on her face as she saw her bestie, Gigi standing in the hallway. Her eyes travelled straight to the bag, and her nose was filled with the smell she was so familiar with, her favourite sandwiches. 

"Bonsoir babe" Gigi greeted her. 

"Enchante Babe" Taylor replied back and invited her in.

Gigi lifted the brown paper bag up and said, "See what I brought for you!!"

"My favourites!!! I love you so much!" Taylor said with a smile on her face and taking that bag, she hugged it.

"I thought you loved me?" Gigi complained.

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