The lake

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Cold wind was blowing through the cheerful streets of Paris. No matter what season, Paris will always have tourists excited to appreciate the art and culture of France.

Taylor groaned and moved in her bed. Olivia came in her room and started meowing constantly. It was noon and the furry little cat was feeling hungry.

She held her head and whined because of the terrible head ache. She opened her eyes and shouted, "Shut up Olivia!!!" The cat ran out of the room.

Drinking a lot wasn't something Taylor did often. She sure did have a small liquor cabinet, but the amount of drinking she did the night before, was explicit.

She took the pillow which was lying besides her and hit it on her face, trying to sleep back. But that didn't happen. Her sleep was ruined, completely. She rolled over the other side of the bed to check the time. She gasped, because she thought it was 8 am and she was late now. Not that she had to report to her boss or anything, but she liked to be punctual.

She sat in the bed, still in her party dress from the last night and started to plan her day. Her phone rang, and it was Blake. She picked the call and laid on her stomach to talk to her.

"Hey Taylor" Blake said.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" Taylor complained.

"Okay... Sorry........ Hangover?" She whispered this time, knowing how dramatic she can get.

"Yeah. It's the worst" She whined.

"Yeah. Gosh you were out of control last night" She exclaimed.

"What? I don't know anything. I don't even remember driving back home" She said, confusingly.

"Dude, you two did a fucking dance battle? And no offense, it was pathetic" She commented.

"Ummm h-how did you know..... " Taylor trailed off, thinking.

"I'll send you a link. You both are viral you know!" Blake said and ended the call.

The moment she ended the call, she got a notification from Blake. Her fingers quickly tapped on the link and a YouTube video with two million views opened.

It was a club video of a very bad video quality and two people doing the worst steps anyone could ever imagine. If Michael Jackson ever saw that video, he'd have a heart attack.

Those two talented people were Taylor and Joe. Dancing completely out of their senses, making a joke of themselves.

She got another notification from Blake. It was a twitter link. She quickly opened it and the tweet said the following:


It also had two pictures attached.

Taylor's hand went on her face and she dropped the phone. "Oh no no no no no!!!! What is Joe doing there dancing with me!! And i look so embarrassing...... What was I thinking..... Urghhhhh" She said to herself.

She quickly called Blake.

"Blake!!! Why the fuck didn't you stop me?" She fumed.

"I wasn't there!" Blake responded precisely.

"You were there stop lying" She snapped.

"Dude, listen to me. Emma, Andrew and I left earlier than you and you insisted to stay a little longer. Your condition, anything could've happened to you. So Joe said that he'll take care of you and make sure you don't end up in a dumpster" Blake explained.

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