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Taylor was lying on her bed, talking to Selena. 

".....Yeah. I can't believe what Joe did. I mean this was beyond ridiculous!" Selena remarks. 

"Now what can I say. This bitch won't leave him" Taylor said with swag and snapped her finger. 

"So, I assume we are starting the prank tonight?" Selena asked. 

"Yeah. You'll break into his laptop, right?" Taylor asked. God knows what she had in her mind. 

"Wait, what are you planning to do?" Selena enquired cautiously. 

She started laughing hysterically. "Babe, you have no idea what I can do" 

"Okay, so at his house, at 11, right?" Selena confirmed. 

"Yep. And I'll message Abi, since she isn't answering my calls. Okay, my dinner's ready. Gotta go, byeee" Taylor said and declined the call. 

The Swifts and Lauren were sitting at the dining table, having their dinner. 

"Taylor, I heard somebody pranked you today" Lauren started with a small talk. 

A flush of embarrassment and anger ran over Taylor's face and she looked down.

She took a deep breath and answered, "Yeah. It happened. But he'll have to pay me back. This war is so on!" 

"I'm so relieved. Like you aren't sad about this. This competitive spirit, I like it" Lauren remarked and Scott and Austin decided not to interrupt them. 

"Basically, what are you gonna do?" Scott asked.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know dad" Taylor answered with food in her mouth. 

"Why? Are you gonna do something inappropriate?" Austin asked and smirked. 

Taylor gave him a death stare until Scott spoke again, "Yes Taylor, I need to know as your dad" 

"Why don't you tell us? Even we've been through high school" Lauren said casually. 

Taylor banged the spoon on the table and got up. She fumed, "Why can't you all just mind your own business, huh? Just...... urgh!" With this, she stormed off her room. 

Lauren looked at Scott and gestured him that she'll handle it.

She went to her room and knocked the door.

"Taylor, please open the door" She pleaded.

Taylor went to the door in frustration and opened it. "What?" She asked dryly and briefly.

"Just let me in, okay" Lauren replied in an assuring tone.

Taylor didn't have the energy to argue with Lauren especially after her day at school, so she simply called her in.

Lauren went and sat on Taylor's bed while Taylor stood leaning against the doorframe.

"Come on sit, this is your room only" She chuckled.

"Fine" Taylor rolled her eyes and sighed. She went near her and sat besides her.
"So go on, give me the lecture for my outburst downstairs" Taylor said annoyingly.

"What? Why would I give you a lecture? You get to be angry, that's fine. I thought maybe I could give you an idea for a revenge?" Lauren said and smiled.

Taylor got excited and crossed her legs to pay attention to her. "Whoa, you? Go ahead. Show me what you've got!"

"Soo, I've done tones of pranks in my time. Umm you can...... Yeah" She snapped her finger as she got an idea. "You can shave his eyebrows" She suggested.

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