2. The Uzumaki and New Friends

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(AN: Yo guys it's me i am back sorry for not publishing this erlier but here it is. One more thing, I wanna make my publishing schedual clear, I will be posting one chapter every one or two weeks, the chapteres will benposted on fridays or saturdays and if i can't publsih on those days I will notify. So with that done ENJOYYYYYYY😁😁😁.)


"Hello Naruto, my name is Shisui, Uchiha Shisui." The unmasked crow anbu now known said as Shisui said.

Shisui was a boy who had short black unkempt hair, black eyes and a relatively broad nose and well-defined eyelashes, that were turns upwards at each end. He was wearing a high-collared, dark-coloured outfit along with a tantō strapped to the right side of the back of his shoulder. He also wore what appeared to be a harness for his tantō which ran across his chest and fastened over both his shoulders.

Naruto looked at Hiruzen, then back at Shisui. "Hello Shisui-Sensei." Naruto said, standing in attention and saluted his second sensei.

"No need to be so formal." Shisui said with a kind smile as he ruffled the boy's hair while walking up to Hiruzen. "Hokage-sama, allow me to take Naruto's training from here." Shisui said as he bowed in respect to his Hokage.

"Ok, Shisui you may take his training from here on, I will be taking my leave." Hiruzen said as he turned to the exit and started walking away, but before he left he said a few words of advice. "I suggest you make Naruto-Kun fast like him.....you know who I mean" Hiruzen said as he started walking again.

As Hiruzen was leaving, Shisui started speaking. "Ok, Naruto, as you heard, Hokage-sama has suggested that I train you with your speed. So the first thing we will be doing is a jog, then we will have a race, and lastly we can have a spar to specify your fighting style. What do you say?" Shisui finished with a smile at his student for the day.

"That's perfect Shisui-sensei." Said Naruto with a thumbs up.

They started with a few stretches and began the first part of their training, which was jogging. With every lap they increased their speed, when they were at their fifth lap Shisui noticed. As Naruto jogging, his steps landed further than what Naruto intended, so it made Naruto's jogging tougher. 'Is he doing what I think he is doing?' Shisui thought as he observed the blonde.

Seeing his student Shisui instructed "Naruto, try to not use chakra to your feet, it will be easier." Naruto nodded as he realized he was sending chakra to his legs, hence the reason he was getting little airtime causing his steps to be longer then he intended.

Naruto started his jogging this time without using chakra on his feet, which made jogging easier for him.

A few laps of jogging later, Shisui started running a little faster as he went near Naruto. "Ok, now Naruto I will be judging your speed so let's have a small race." Shisui finished as he increased his speed.

Not being one to be outdone Naruto also increased his speed, as he went past Shisui, this continued for while to take a little break and prepare for their spar.

Naruto went to a nearby lake to freshen up, he washed his face and drank some water from the river. As he was returning he saw a pair of green eyes with a black slit looking at him, he rubbed his eyes once but when he opened them and looked at the spot the pair of eyes were gone as if it was never there.

Naruto shrugged as he made his way towards where Shisui was sitting. When he arrived he saw Shisui sitting with a bento box which had some rice cakes and some sushi. "Come on, eat up, after this we will have a spar." Shisui said as he took out a water bottle and handed Naruto a pair of chopsticks.

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