6. Rage

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(AN: Heyyyyy...... its been a while huh. Well I have no excuses and I wont go into a long essey on what happened. So to put it simply, I had lost motivation to do anything due to reasons, but now I am better then so lets end that there. This chapter was suppsoed to come out yesterday but my Wattpad stopped working due to me not attending to it for such a long time..... maybe. Anyways with everything said there is another reason as to why thus chapter was delayed, I was busy preparing another thing which is related to my story now I think that is all I have to say. So lets begin chapter: 6 of "Naruto: The Scorching Lynx of Konoha" Enjoy😁)


'What is happening? Why am I crying? What am I feeling? What is this feeling? It feels.........'

"Naruto!" Shikamaru shook the blonde, to snap him out of his daze.

Hearing Shikamaru's loud voice calling out too him he finally snapped out of his train of thought. "Huh?" Came the emotionless response of the blonde Uzumaki.

"Why are you crying?" Ino asked again causing Naruto to take his right hand up to his right eye where he felt water.

"Why am I crying?" Naruto questioned to himself, still having no emotion in his voice.

There was a small silence after which Naruto stood up and started walking away. "Sorry guys I will be taking my leave now, my back is hurting."

The last part brought a sweat drop on each of the people present there who where involved with Naruto with one thought in their mind, 'Naruto is crying?............ over a back ache?' well that was everyone except Shikamaru, 'I have never seen Naruto cry. What happened that would make someone like Naruto cry?'

What did went unnoticed by everyone was a small spark of red chakra on Naruto's lower back.

(In Naruto's apartment)

Naruto had arrived at his apartment a while back and had made some mint tea, over the years Naruto had grown fond of many different flavours of tea, his personal favourites being the black tea, which is good for the heart and blood sugar level and the one he is currently drinking, the mint tea is good for many things but the reason for Naruto to drink it now is due to stress. He had been feeling a very un-explainable feeling a dew minutes before, which he could not explain as to why it was happening.

After finishing his cup of tea Naruto cleaned the cup, brushed his teeth and went to bed, still with the same un-explainable feeling.

(Morning, Time: 5:30)

The dark night came to an end revealing the misty sunrise peaking over the horizon from the east. The chirping of Doves and other small birds could be heard through out the quiet and peaceful morning in the village hidden in the leaves.

The rays of sunlight came through the blinds of an apartment flat currently inhabited by a blonde Uzumaki. The blonde in question had woken up not so long ago due to some back pain he felt a few minutes back.

After a while of staring at the ceiling Naruto got up from his bed. Stretching his body, after a bit more stretching Naruto went into the bathroom and freshened up.

After taking a long shower Naruto ate his breakfast, which consisted of two slices of jam and toast and a bowl of cereal with three cups of black tea, yes Naruto had become a tea addict.

After having his breakfast Naruto started doing his morning routine, which he could not continue for long due to........

(Scene Shift: outside)

"Man! My back is killing me" Naruto said as he walked down the empty streets of Konoha.

It was normal though he would not be out this early since he always does his morning exercise, but due to the back pain he could not continue his exercise plus the weird feeling from earlier had not gone so he thought of the next best thing and decided to take a walk outside.

'Since I have nothing to do might as well try to do something.' He thought and stopped walking.

Stopping his walk Naruto started doing some light jumps and warm up exercises, a little while later Naruto lowered his upper body and leaned forward.

Closing his eyes Naruto whispered, "Alright here I go, speed, I am speed, faster then fast, quicker then quick, I am speed."

As soon as the words left his mouth Naruto dashed forward leaving a cloud of dust behind. 'Damn, my back hurts a lot I don't think I can go on for much longer, and the pain is also slowing me down.'

"Hello my youthful Kouhai who I helped once but don't remember the name of!" Came a loud and jubilant voice.

"Huh?" Naruto looked to his right and saw a boy with shiny black hair styled into a bowl-cut, big round eyes with prominent lower eyelashes, but the most prominent thing about him was the thick eyebrows he had.

"Bushy brow-senpai?" Naruto said which sounded more like a question.

"such youthfulness, to think that such a young and promising student is training so hard to be a shinobi!" Lee shouted out causing Naruto to cover his ear due to the boys "youthfully loud voice."

"How do you know I have been practicing?" Naruto asked clearly concerned about something which went unnoticed by the youthful Lee.

"You are successfully keeping up with my current pace, and I must say it is quiet impressive seeing that most of my peers have a tough time keeping up with me at the same speed." Lee said trying his best to keep his voice low, which he failed..... miserably.

"I see, but I am sure you are capable of running much faster then you are currently." Naruto was just guessing this but he did realise the occasional steps that would land much faster then some others, plus with his enhanced senses Naruto heard the sounds of metal clashing against each other and by the distance and loudness of the sound Naruto figured that it must have been something that was hidden under the orange leg warmers he was wearing over his green jumpsuit, 'A pair of weights perhaps.'

"Yosh! Such honesty is very rare, I hope to work with you in the future. May I have your name since I forgot, which I do apologise for."

"Thank you for the compliment, I hope to work with you as well and my name is Uzumaki Naruto."

"Yosh! May we meet again Naruto-kun and that will be when you become a shinobi."

"Hai" Naruto replied.

With a yell of "YOUTH!" Lee sprinted forward leaving a small cloud of dust behind.

'I can't go on for any longer, my back will kill me.' With that thought he slowed down and started walking while catching his breath. "I might have to cancel todays training" Naruto thought out loud "Shisui-sensei said that he had a mission, so I have to inform about this to Hokage-Jiji." With that said Naruto started to make his way towards the Hokage mansion.

(10 mins of walking later)

Naruto was still walking in a slower pace then usual due to his back pain. "Hmm?" Naruto looked to his right and saw a purple haired, cat masked Anbu standing beside him. "Neko-chan!" The blonde called out with a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Naruto-Kun, Hokage-sama has asked for your presence, please follow me." The cat masked Anbu said with a weirdly heavy voice.

Naruto ignored the heavy tone and said, "Actually I was going to see Jiji anyways."

(Few minutes later)

The two where walking in a somewhat awkward and calm silence through the empty streets of Konoha.

"Neko-Chan, did Shisui sensei arrive from his mission yet?" Naruto asked to break the awkward silence.

The silence stretched out for while then the cat masked Anbu replied, "I don't know Naruto-Kun, I have been out on a mission my self."

"Yugao-san....." Naruto looked at her with the corner of his cold cerulean blue eyes, "Why are you lying? Shisui sensei has taught me many other things other then fighting."

Mentalism, a term used for people who can quote on quote read minds, but in reality it is just merely being extremely observant of ones personality, body language, facial expression and voice. When everything is observed properly the observer would be able to tell the difference between when some one lies, tells the truth, is sad, happy or trying to decisive the observer, as of right now Naruto could only distinguish between weather the person is lying or telling the truth through body language and voice.

"Wha-what d-do you mean?" The now known person in the cat mask, Uzuki Yugao, said with a slight stutter which did not went unnoticed by Naruto.

"The stutter only confirms it. Yugao-san, if you are uncomfortable about talking about this topic you can just say so."

"Hai, I apologies for lying Naruto-Kun." Yugao apologised but something Naruto noticed was that her voice was sullen and she was talking in a much quieter voice then her usual self.

'Something personal perhaps.'

"The weather, its pretty nice today." Naruto said to break the awkward silence dawned upon them again.

"yes it is, though it was supposed to rain today."

"Oh yea, it was going to rain today."

"I guess the weather forecast can sometimes be wrong."

"Has it never happened?"

"It has been wrong but the last time it got wrong was when Lord First had passed, it is said that due to Lord Second's grief there was a downpour for a whole month, I don't know much about that incident, my mother told me about it but at that time she was just a child, Hokage-Sama might know about it, after all he has been a Hokage for more than double of my age."

"I see, but I think it might rain."

"What makes you say that Naruto-Kun?"

"First of all the clouds look fluffy and are quiet low," Naruto said point upwards making Yugao look up as well, "there are long breeze which feels moist, the temperature too has slightly dropped and lastly there is a billow of dark clouds over the Hokage Monument and are heading straight towards the village." Naruto finished, pointing at the Hokage Monument and as Naruto there was a bunch of dark clouds approaching from there.

"I must say, you are greatly observant of your surroundings Naruto-Kun." Yugao complimented the blue eyed blonde with a smile hidden under her cat shaped mask.

And it was true, Naruto had to be very observant of his surroundings, it was a sort of training given to him by Shisui, it had been a habit for him to take notes on certain aspects of Nature and his surroundings for later uses. This practice was the main thing which helped him in learning mentalism better.

"We have arrived." Yugao said stopping in front of the long staircase leading up to the massive Hokage mansion.

With a sigh Naruto started climbing the long trail of stairs.

Yugao went in first and handed a slip to the receptionist, "This permission slip was given by the Hokage to let Uzumaki Naruto in."

The receptionist nodded and signed on the blank area, she then slightly tore in and stapled it to a file. "You may take him."

Yugao nodded and motioned Naruto to follow her.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, a man known for many things, one of them being his old age. He truly considered himself lucky and unlucky for his age, lucky because he could live for so long and make many memorise and unlucky because many of those memorise are about war, dead comrades and promising shinobi's who lost their lives because of his decision.

Beside him stood the prodigal Uchiha Itachi. Graduating at the age eight, becoming a chunin at the age of ten, a year at the age of eleven later he went on to the youngest person to become an Anbu and finally became the youngest Anbu captain to ever grace Konoha when he was just thirteen.

*KNOCK* *KNOCK* The sound of the knock resounded in the quiet room, after which a "come in" was heard.

The purple haired Anbu and the blonde Uzumaki entered the Hokage's room standing in attention in front of the Hokage.

(30 mins later)

The day was not as bright as started anymore. As Naruto had told Yugao the heavy clouds had darkened the once sunny village situated in the fire nation. The Village Hidden in the leaves, as the name suggests it is filled with many kinds lush greeneries and deep forests, giving the village a cooler atmosphere.

'Uchiha Shisui had died in battle'

The words rang out in Naruto's head, he could not believe it, he did not believe it, he did not want to believe it, why would he have to believe it, if he did not believe it that would mean he never knew it if he did not know it then he would have to believe that his sensei is alive.............. right?

Naruto can be seen sitting on the fourth's stone head, with his head facing down, if one was to guess what his expression was like at that moment, what would it be?

Anger, sorrow, frustration, shock, disbelieve?

The answer is none, he had an expressionless face looking down on the ground, he did not know what he was suppose to feel, since Naruto had no one to look after him for the majority of his childhood, he had built up his personality and habits by looking at the people around him, and since he did not have anyone who was precious to him die before, he did not know what to do, was he supposed to cry? From what he heard about death, which was very limited since Yugao would not let Shisui ruin Naruto's childhood, was that it is something every single person has to face it. So if everyone has to face it then why should he be sad or afraid of it? Now that is a question for another time.

"Naruto-Kun?" The voice of the old Hokage came from behind.









'Naruto went wide eyed, did he hear something wrong, or was it true?'

'He was afraid, why, why was he afraid, what was he afraid of?'

'That would be the voice, calling him by his name, that voice sounded so familiar, it was Shisui, he heard Shisui's voice calling out to him.'

'Naruto mustered up enough courage to look up with a smile.'

' "Sensei!?" '

'Naruto said, looking up at the voice that called out to him, while smiling.'

"!" Hiruzen was shocked.

Naruto was looking at him with a face that held absolutely no emotion or expression, Hiruzen had an iron-clad grip over his emotions, he could massacre a whole village without showing an once of remorse, he could manipulate anyone without showing any consideration about their feelings, he could betray anyone without showing any sort of emotion. But the face he saw in front of him, the face he had known for years, a face filled with emotions, a face that always had a bright smile plastered on it's face, the face which belonged to his beloved student was now nothing but...... blank, it was blank, it held no emotion, no expression, no life, a complete empty face which sent shivers down Hiruzen's spine. He was not scared of Naruto, no, what he was scared of was that the face was held by an eleven year old child, someone who did not even graduate from the academy yet, a mere second year student at the academy, yet he showed a face that sent many Anbu to shame.

Hiruzen was shocked beyond belief, he did the only thing that came to his mind, he hugged Naruto.

Naruto looked straight ahead, not returning the hug. He felt that he was drowning in a deep ocean, going deeper and deeper by the moment, but then he saw a hand reach out to him trying to rescue him from the depths, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't reach his arms out for help. He watched in horror as the arm that came down to help him was getting further and further, meaning he was going deeper, but that does not mean he would give up, yes he is Uzumaki Naruto the apprentice of the third Hokage and the student of Shisui of the body flicker, he would not give no matter what.

As Naruto started to believe that he could do it, the hand went deeper and finally got a hold of him, Naruto held onto the hand as it pulled him up.

Naruto was wide eyed, as he realised what was happening, then everything clicked, Naruto saw his Jiji hugging him like a grandfather would do to his grandchild, seeing this Naruto hugged back.

Tears fell from Naruto's eyes like a waterfall, he was clutching onto the Hokage robe like his life depended on it.

That's it he finally broke, all the emotions he had been holding up to this point all of his sorrow, all of his anger, all of his anguish started coming out of his eyes in the form of tears.

Naruto's breathing became heavier and rampant as his mouth became dry.


Naruto started breathing heavily, it seemed like he was having trouble breathing and it was getting worse by the second.

"Naruto, calm down! Take deep breathes, calm down! This is not the time to panic Naruto, calm down, everything gonna be ok, just calm down and breathe."

Naruto could not hear properly, he only heard "deep breathes" and "calm down", so he tried to do what he heard, he inhaled quickly and released the air slowly. Which did not do much, as he began hyperventilating again.

Hiruzen's hand glowed green; he held it near Naruto's neck and not so long after Naruto's breathing calmed down, *huhhh* *huhh* *huhhhhh* *huhh* *huhhhh*.

A few minutes later Naruto's breathing was normal, though a little heavy, but he was breathing properly and had stopped hyperventilating.

"Nar.............ru...to...." Hiruzen trailed of when he saw what the boy was doing, Naruto did not get up, he was still on his hands and knees with his breathing slightly loud. Moreover Hiruzen was watching what was happening to the boy.

His back had a massive bulge as if it was gonna tear open any second, a weird red glow could be seen being emitted from that area along with his blood which was starting to be more and more visible along with the red glow.

As the seconds passed by the red glow seemed more and more closer to bursting out, it was so close that Hiruzen could see that there where four dots forming a little square around Naruto's spine. Low tearing sounds could be heard coming from Naruto's back, which made some droplets of blood seep out of Naruto's back muscle.

"Naruto, are you ok?!?" Hiruzen asked frantically.

Naruto was having a backache since the day before and it is finally at its peak, he had never experienced such pain before, no amount of beatings would be enough to match what he was going through.

With one last stretch his back tore open, blood spurting all over the area.

"!" Hiruzen jumped back when he sensed two objects coming down on him at an insanely high pace, causing a dust cloud to form.

Once the dust cleared, Naruto could be seen kneeling on one knee, with his head down, two blood red chains where imbedded in the place where Hiruzen stood, drenched in blood the two chains where steaming and it seemed that it lead to Naruto's back, wait no, it came out of Naruto's back, from Hiruzen's point Naruto's hair and face both where covered due to the positioning of the chains, but there was something visible, a single blood red eye with a black slit looking at him with corner of its eye.

Naruto stood up making the chains that where imbedded in the ground come out as well. Soon two more chains came out of Naruto's back, making more blood to drop. "This village" Naruto started, his voice heavier and rougher than usual, "Has tormented me SO much" Naruto said with emphasis on the "SO Now..." He paused, cracking his middle finger with his thumb as all four of the chains pointed forwards, blood dripping from them "Its my turn" Naruto said looking up at Hiruzen with a crazy look on his face, with two blood red eyes that had a slit in between each of them.

"Naruto stop this!" Hiruzen said, trying to sound as demanding as he could; he sounded like a panicking dog loosing which had lost it's puppy.

Naruto did not think replaying, rather he dashed forwards and leapt high, bringing his foot down on Hiruzen Naruto attempted an axe kick on the old Hokage.

Hiruzen caught Naruto's carishing heel by his palm and got a stro g grip on his ankle, but the sense of safety soon changed into one of alert when he felt the joints in Naruto's leg dislocate and his muscles contorting.

Naruto maneuvered and spun his leg, completely twisting his ankle and almost tearing out his foot which was held by Hiruzen's now blood covered hand; after spinning twice Naruto performed side kick with the heel of his free foot which landed on Hiruzen's temple with a sickening crack.

'That kick was heavy!' seeing the state of Naruto's leg Hiruzen said, "Naruto, stop it, you are hurting your self!"

Naruto stood there with his leg completely twisted it looked like a nromal pull of a baby would be enought to tear it, but it healed itself and spun into the proper shape as if nothing ahd ever happened, in a very quick and disturbing pace. "After all I went through in this damn village, do you really think this is anything?"

'!' Going through several hand seals Hiruzen said "Kuchiyose(Summoning): Come forth Monkey King Enma!" and slammed his hand on the ground, as a puff of smoke covered him.

A "Transform" was heard from with in the smoke, then a Bo staff, made of the same material as the Uzumaki Chakra Chains, came out of the smoke and crashed in front of Naruto, making him jump back to a safer distance.

As the dust cleared Naruto could be seen standing further away, "Oh, a new weapon I see. I wonder what that can do, it feels oddly familiar. Oh I know, that is made of the same material as these chains, so, that's the adamantine staff."

"How do you know about this?"

"How you ask? Well isn't it obvious, I am an Uzumaki, us Uzumaki's are known for our incredible life span and immense amount of chakra which is heavily potent and these chains" he siganled to the glowing blood covered red chains petruding from his torn back "are supposed to be indestructible. And that thing seems to have the same shine as my chains"

Tp say Hiruzen was shocked would be an understatement, 'Naruto would never be boastful about his clan. He should not even know this much about the Uzumaki clan, if I remember correctly I had only told Shisui to inform Naruto about the history of the Uzumaki not the prowess.' Hiruzen thought as he said, "How do you know all these things"

"Are you deaf or something? Didn't you hear me, I said I am an Uzumaki." Naruto re-stated.

"Even then, no one has told you this much information about the Uzumaki Clan, so there is no possible way for you know what you have just said!" Hiruzen said, he was confused, 'Is this Naruto? Or is something else in control? It can't be the nine tails since I do not sense any of its chakra, but what's this feeling......this...uneasiness.'


"Enough chit-chat. I will end this here and now!" Naruto said as the chains wrapped around his right arm.

Hiruzen prepared to defend as Naruto dashed at him; with the palm of his hand Hiruzen pushed his staff outwards clashing with the pointed ends of Naruto's chains, sparks flew in many directions, the ground beneath them cracked, Hiruzen applied more pressure and finally managed to push Naruto back.

Naruto skidded to a halt; his right hand was hanging loose on his shoulders, blood dripping out like a never ending stream of water.

'This brat! He deliberately made the chains go to his left hand knowing that its his weaker side and that's not it, he even lessened the force which caused me to be pushed back and his left arm to break. I should probably not inform that I know about the brat's presence, it will only cause more trouble later. Fine, I will give one last blow and get everything I can into one final strike.'

Naruto cracked his index finger with his thumb as a red chakra covered him, his red eyes grew more fierce as the time went by, the place where he was standing started to form spider web cracks and even more red chakra erupted from the place where the red chains came out.

Naruto shot towards the old Hokage, with his right hand clenched into a fist ready to punch him and his chains pointing straight at the Hokage ready to impale him as soon as Naruto reached close enough.

The attack was flawless, it had no error, if one was stopped the other would definitely hit and both of them were enough to kill any one at the wrong end of it. But Hiruzen would not give up, he knew it was not Naruto, he would never hurt the people he held dear to himself, someone had to be in control of Naruto.

Time slowed for Hiruzen as he saw Naruto reached closer, closer and closer before....


Naruto's hand made contact, but it was with the ground causing the whole Hokage mountain shake, it was even felt all throughout Konoha causing the whole village to look up at the mountain, but due to its height the villagers could only see a small cloud of dust which was probably ignored or just went unnoticed.

But Hiruzen expirienced the force behind it first hand, Naruto was kneeling on one of his knees all four chains covering his body, as the view cleared Hiruzen saw the red chains glimmer as they slowly broke apart and vanished into thin air leaving some red glimmering particles which slowly fused with the ground becoming nothing but dust on the ground, on which a crater had been formed due to Naruto's punch.

The blonde was breathing very heavily, a sign of his rare case of exhaustion, Naruto had just enough strength to stay upright, which soon gave out as he went limp and passed out, with his right hand completely broken with blood coming out of it.

As Naruto has said before, it started raining. The water became red as it mixed in with Naruto's blood, leaking out of his hand. There is a saying "Even the heavens weep." It is something that is mostly said when someone memorable has a funeral in the rain, may it be true?

The water dripped down Hiruzen's white Hokage attire, drenching it with water, mud and dirt surrounding the area, he let out a smirk as a thought crossed his mind, 'It seems you were right Shisui, this boy is gonna be the definition of what this village made him out to be.'

'A true monster.'


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