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The day goes by pretty fast. In fact, I end up falling asleep after lunch only to be woke by the sound of my phone ringing. It's Baylee and she wants to FaceTime. Quickly, I pull my hair back and grab my turtle pillow to lay on.
"Hey Ba" I start to say but am interrupted.
"Where were you today?!?" she asks me.
"I was at my house. I stayed home today." I reply.
"Well, are you alright?" She continues.
"Yes and no." I tell her truthfully.
"I'm glad you are okay.." my best friend begins, "wait, why the no?"
"Well, Jordan texted me last night."
"Oh no. Next time I see him, his perfect little face shall make contact with my perfect little fist." Baylee says with fists balled and her nostrils flared. I can't help but laugh.
"No, no, no, it's not like that. He texted me and told me he was sorry.."
"Yeah that little fencebag better be sorry! He broke your heart! Wait, correction, he broke your heart, beat it with a baseball bat and sent it through a shredder!" She says very angrily.
"I know Bay, I was there but it wasn't like that. He was actually sweet about it. Jordan apologized, multiple times, told me he wanted me back and he told me he loved me. He also said that he wanted to talk to me after school." I explain to her.
"And how do you feel about that?" she asks.
"I'm going to go and see what he says. Baylee, it was almost as if he was the old Jordan again. The Jordan I knew. The Jordan that I fell in love with. The real Jordan." I tell her.
"Alright, just be careful." She says and I nod. We hang up and I look at the clock. It's already 3:45! I have to meet Jordan in 15 minutes. I stumble into the shower and wash my hair, there is no time to think today. I grab my jeans and hop into them. Then, I throw on my favorite peach sundress and slip on my mint vans. I check my reflection in the mirror and apply some lipstick. The clock reads 3:56, I have to hurry! I pick my phone up and rush out of the house. The door closes behind me and I quickly lock it. Suddenly, I stop. Should I be doing this? What if it's all a joke? Oh no. I can't do this. I feel a attack coming on but thankfully I stop it by taking six deep breaths. After I have collected myself, I skip down the stairs. Let's go see what this amazing, kind, caring, funny, sarcastic, cocky, handsome, little dirtbag has to say.

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