Welcome to Hell.

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"Hey Max" I say as I slide into his Chevy pickup.
"Hey Char!" He replies pulling out of my driveway.
"So, are you ready for the last first day of school?" I ask him.
"Do you mean hell?" He smiles at me and I can't help but laugh. "But no, I'm not."
"Are you crazy?!?" I scream at him.
"Maybe." He smirks and I playfully punch him in the arm. "Are you?" He asks me.
"Yes, I'm ready to know what my name will be this year." I tell him mumbling that last part under my breath.
You see, every year since I was a freshman I've had a name, something that everyone calls me. When I was a freshman, it was Geek. In tenth grade, it was Prick. My personal favorite; however, was eleventh grade with Charlotte the Harlot. I'm pretty sure no one at school actually knew my name was Charlotte until that year and that was because of Him, Jordan, a.k.a my ex boyfriend and the only guy I've ever loved.
Max turns to me. "Charlotte, you shouldn't listen to what they say. They are stupid and immature. To be truthful, they are horrible to you because they wish they could be half the person you are."
"Thanks but..." I say sighing. He parks the car.
"Charlotte.." He starts to lecture me again but, I interrupt him.
"Welcome to prison. I'll see you at lunch?"
Max shakes his head disapprovingly realizing what I did. "Yeah, I guess so. Have a good day Charlotte."
"Haha, sure. I'll see you at lunch Maximus." I say grinning at him.
I slide out of the truck ever so gracefully and run up the stairs to look for Baylee. As I'm walking up the stairs I pass Austin, Jacob and Xavier.
"Hey Slut." Austin mutters.
"Hey Whore." Jacob says.
"Hey Harlot." Xavier practically screams.
Ugh. Why are Jordan's friends so obnoxious? I continue to walk up the stairs, the skip in my step gone after that encounter and sit down on a bench. Finally I see Baylee. She walks over and sits down next to me.
"Hey. What was that all about?" She nods towards Jordan and his worshipers.
"You saw?" I ask. She nods. "Oh, it doesn't matter now. I missed you so much!!" I exclaim, changing the subject.
"I missed you too!" She smiles at me. The bell rings and we hurry off to class. Thankfully, we have the exact same schedule because of our scores on state tests. Once we sit down, I begin unpacking my things.
"Hey," she says "Jordan is a dick. He was stupid for letting you go." I smile at her. She always knows just what to say.
"Maybe so but, apparently he isn't that stupid because he has the same schedule as us." I tell her as he walks in. Elizabeth is attached at his hip and it disgusts me. We used to be best friends but I realized she was a bitch. They look at me and laugh. Baylee must notice them too because she groans and we receive a death glare from our teacher, Mr. Lowery.
"Sorry, Mr. Lowery." She mumbles.
"Mhm. Let us begin." He starts the lesson and I float off to my own little world in my head.
Finally the bell rings. I grab my stuff and head towards my next hour with Baylee alongside.
My next class is Literature with Mrs. Smith. I like Mrs. Smith a lot. She is very thoughtful and speaks in idioms, which I love.
I walk in and find a seat towards the back of the classroom, in hopes that I won't be noticed by them.
"Hello Charlotte," Elizabeth purrs. "you're looking lovely, as always."
I roll my eyes and sigh, they noticed me. It's gonna be a long day. I pull out my notebook and begin drawing.
"Charlotte?" Mrs. Smith asks.
"Yes?" I reply politely.
"Your ears are not just decorations for your face so please use them for something more."
"Yes ma'am." I blush and shut my notebook.
I regain my focus for a couple of minutes but it doesn't last long. I'm once again lost in my thoughts when I hear that laugh, it's unmistakable. I cringe and look at him. He has my notebook! Oh no, this is not good, not good at all. I shoot Baylee a look.
"What's wrong?" she mouths across the room.
"He has my notebook." I tell her.
"Who?" she asks.
"Jordan..." I whisper.
"Is there something wrong Charlotte?" Mrs. Smith asks.
"Um...may I be excused?!?" I ask her with urgency. I have to get out of here before I lose it. Thankfully, she nods and I rush out the door.
I run down the hallway. Salty Tears are streaming down my face. I can't see anything which causes me to run into someone. Great, could this day get any better!

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