Yay, Drama!

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My next class is Speech and Drama with Mr. Tomlinson. I'm really excited because Speech and Drama is one of my favorite classes and Mr. Tomlinson is one of my favorite teachers.
I walk in the door and am greeted by Kevin, the lizard gecko. Kevin is really cute yet gross at the same time, especially when he sheds. I say hello to Kevin and take a seat in the front of the class room. This is the only class I don't mind sitting in front. I sit down by Max and he immediately hugs me. I slap him in the face.
"I hate you! You left me alone. There were so many idiots!" I spat at him and he rubs his check. "But I love you and I need my best friend so, I'll let you live...just this once."
"Awe bae, you're cute." He replies. I shrug.
"I can't help it." I tell him, a grin forming on my lips.
"So, tell me about this Chaidin dude. He seemed pretty cute." Max says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Yeah, tell us about him." Lizzy, Rachelle and Beyju say collectively. They must've over heard Max and I talking. The group of girls take a seat at the surrounding desks.
"Who are you talking about?" Chandler asks walking in. Chandler is taller and has amazing hair. I've always been too lame to talk to him so, I don't know why he wants to talk to me now but then again, I don't no why anyone of them are. They are all perfect and I'm well, not.
"They new kid.." I begin.
"Chaidin." Chandler finishes my sentence.
"How did you know?" Lizzy asks him.
"Becca, Sapphire and Nicole sent me a snapchat saying that the new guy was in band and that he was really good." He tells her. Becca has long, brown hair and is an amazing writer plus, she is one of the nicest people you will meet. Sapphire is shorter, has the prettiest blue/brown hair I have ever seen and is amazing at everything she does. Nicole is extremely talented and a total sweetheart. Her and Max kinda have a thing going one.
"Hmph." Max pouts. "Nicole didn't send me a snapchat." He looks down at his phone and sighs. I can't help but laugh, they are so cute; however, my laughter soon fades and I'm lost in my thoughts. I thought Chaidin had the exact same schedule as me. I wonder why he changed, did he want to get away from me that badly? Am I really that awful. I sigh. I hate it when I overthink myself into depression.
"Hey Charlotte, are you okay?" Rachelle asks me and I nod.
"Well then, finish telling us about Chaidin, he was totally into you today" Beyju finishes. I blush and begin telling them all I know.
In class, we end up doing little "Get to know you" activities so between that and my talking, it goes by fast and the bell soon rings. I grab my stuff and begin saying my goodbyes. As I reach Max and start to give him a hug, his phone goes off. He pushes me off him and whips it out.
"Yes!" He screams. "Nicole texted me back!!!" His face is plastered with the biggest smile I have seen.
"Finally." I mumble and walk out of class heading towards the last class of the day.

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