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I'm walking down the hall trying to avoids the stares. I can't handle people staring at me. You would think by now I would've gotten used to them but nope, I haven't. The stares are inevitable though. So are the whispers and the giggles. Suddenly, I wish I would've worn a cardigan over my tank. If I would've worn one maybe people wouldn't stare at my wrists like they do. The thing is though, they aren't checking my wrists to make sure I'm okay, they don't care. They are checking my wrists to see if the rumors are true. I still can't believe I trusted Jordan with a secret like that. Why was I so stupid? I immediately look down and try to adjust the bracelets, watches and ponytails holders on my wrists to cover up the old scars and the new scratches. Its pointless. I just hurry along to my last class of the day, Photography.
I love Photography and was really excited when it became an option. I'm a third year student. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a teacher's pet but what's wrong with that?
I walk into the class, sit down and pull out my Nikon camera that I got for my birthday. My camera is amazing. You can do just about anything with it.
Baylee walks in and pulls out her Kodak. I give her a funny look at the sight of the camera.
"Hey Charli!" she looks down. "You better not be laughing at me!" she yells. Quickly, I stifle my laughter and she grins. "So, how was sixth hour?"
"Good." I reply. "Max was in there. How was Spanish?" I ask her. She huffs.
"Mucho bien!" She says. Clearly, she doesn't like it by the look of disapproval on her face.
Luke walks into the room and I'm a bit taken back.
"Why are you in here?" Baylee asks him.
"Because, it's a free country and I'm hoping to get a couple of pages in the yearbook." He says fixing his hair.
"Yeah, maybe even a third one for his eyebrows." Lizzy adds as she walks in and takes a seat behind me. Luke just wiggles his eyebrows.
I had no idea I had classes with all these people. Nor do I get why they want to sit by me. If they were smart they would say away from me. I'm a freak, a loner; however, it's not like I can help it that I get panic attacks during school and can't calm down and that I needed an outlet. I just don't get it but, I'll let it be. The bell rings and our teacher, Mr. Doug, walks in and immediately turns on the radio. Mr. Doug is really cool and let's us listen to music.
"Welcome to class!" Mr. Doug says, putting emphasis on the come in welcome. "It's great to see some many new faces and some old ones." He gives me a wink when he says that last part as I'm the only third year in the class."Shall we get started?" The class lets out a mumbled reply and Mr. Doug begins to check out cameras to those who don't have it.
The class goes by extremely fast and the bell rings. I put my camera back into it's case and start to file out of the door when Mr. Doug calls my name. Baylee looks at me and I tell her to go on ahead.
"Charlotte, may I speak to you?" He says with a hint of sadness to his voice.
"Yes sir. Is something wrong?"
"Well, I was recently informed that I got another job. I will be leaving the district shortly. It brings me great sadness to say that with my absence comes the absence of the photography program." My lip begins to quiver. Just perfect, the photography program is being cut. The program is my outlet and they can't just dismiss it because of the absence of a teacher! I won't let them. The tears roll down my face and I rush out the door. Baylee is standing in the hall. There is a look of confusion on her face but I don't have time to explain. I fly down the stairs and run outside.
They only sounds are my feet slapping the pavement and and the wind whipping through my hair. I make my way to my house and sling my bag off my shoulders. Leaving a note for my mom, I grab my camera and start walking. I don't know entirely where I'm going but I know that I need to go somewhere.

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