This is my first story. I am gonna use the information and events from Manga,Games and anime. I am also use aome new characters and theories about pokemon. Hope you all wil like it.In this book i will add many charecters. Also i will try to bring e...
Pokemon world is a world full of amazing creature with amazing powers and abilities. People and pokemons are living togather in this world for a long,long time. But Pokemon world was once just like our normal world with human and Pokemon. Many,many,many years ago a huge space cloud consumed earth entirely.
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Few decades later the space cloud leave the Earth. But in this time, it mutated all the life in earth. Animals, plants and some non-living things like ice,rock,fire are become amazing creatures called pokemon.
Human doesn’t changed much. But they started becoming adult at 10 years age. Some human qlso borned with verious abilities. For example Aura guardians who can contol,manipulate and use their aura.Some people can use verious psychic ability are known as psychic. Some can use the forces of netures,some can talk with pokemon, some can control pokemons, some can use dark powers,some can summons legendaries etc.
All of these are created a brand new world known as "Pokemon world"
For some people Pokemons are just tools. For some people pokemons are pets. For some people pokemons are slaves,for some people pokemons are research subject and for some people pokemons are friends and partner.
_______________________________________________ That’s all for the first chapter Yeah,i know it is very short. I will try to increase the size of the chapter. I hope you all like it. If have any question or suggestions then let me know in the comments. Also please vote and follow.