Chapter 8 - Team Rocket

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In route 3,Kanto

Adham has left the Pewter City few days ago. He is now on his way to Cerulean city. But for that he has to cross Mount moon first. While going towards the mount moon,he heared a loud roar and run towards it. Few moments later he saw a woman is standing with a fainted Starmie in front of a huge scary dragon like pokemon.

Adham runs towards it and throw Pikachu's pokeball

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Adham runs towards it and throw Pikachu's pokeball. Pikachu came out. "Pikachu use thunder on that Gyaradose" he said. Pikachu throw a powerful thunder on Gyaradose. The Gyaradose get's hit but wasn't going down. It unleased a huge hydro pump attack."Pikachu dodge and use thunderbolt "Adham said. Pikachu quickly dodged the hydro pump attack and used powerful thunderbolt which was super effective. The huge pokemon gets hit and faints. Adham looks at the woman.The woman was looking at him i wow. " Do you want to catch it or not?" he asked.The woman snapped out and quickly throw a pokeball and captured the fainted pokemon. Then she looks at Adham and smiles. "Thanks for the help mister", she said. Adham said, " May name is Adham Ketchum". The woman said," My name is Kasumi waterflower. I am the Cerulean city's gym leader".

Adham said, "What are you doing here?" Kasumi said,"I heared a huge Gayradose is rampaging in this area

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Adham said, "What are you doing here?" Kasumi said,"I heared a huge Gayradose is rampaging in this area. They are not usually live here so i came to check."

Meanwhile, in Cerulean city
Azul came back from the gym disappointed.
"I can't believe it. I came from all the way for gym battle and the gym leader isn't here" he thought "well, at least i can look around the city." He went back to the pokemon centre to take some rest and decide which place he should visit first. After one hour,he went to the north side of the city. There is a huge river flowing besides the city. He saw a long bridge made with wood and log. He started crossing the bridge. While crossing he saw a few trainers are standing in a line. He went to them."Hey,what are you guys doing here?he asked a boy."We are waiting here for someone to walked in front of us so that we can have a pokemon battle" the boy said.'It will be a good training 'Azul thought. He battled with all of them and won. They had a lot weak pokemon like ratata,pidgey,cattarpi etc. At the end of the bridge a man with teal green hair walks to him.He was wearing a white "R" leveled uniform.

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