Chapter 9 - The Spirit of the Maiden

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It's been a long time since the Gyaradose incident happened in Route 3. Adham and Kasumi went to Cerulean City after that. After that Kasumi stayed in the Gym and Adham moved forward. But he left a feeling in Kasumi. Kasumi was feeling trapped in Cerulean city because of her duty as a gym leader. She wanted to travell around the world through the sea. So one day she decided to quite her job as Gym leader. Another girl name Lola become the next gym leader of Cerulean city. She was very good with water pokemon so it was easy for her to adopt the life of a Gym leader.

At the Pokemon Academy
Lumiose city,Kalos

Teacher entered the class and said,"Today i am gonna take your test." He gave everyone test Papers. After the class, everyone was talking about the class. Sycamore asked juniper,"How was your test?" "Not bad" she replied,"The questions were hard but i was able to answer all of them." Lucas was devastated. "I left atleast 40 marks questions unanswered. What am i gonna do?" He asked himself. Calem was confused. He said," but there was only 20 mark's questions in that exam. How did you left 40 mark's questions unanswered!?" Johanna asked Ilene and hilda,"Tomorrow we Don't have any class. So how about we go to Shopping at Lumiose mall?" "That's a great idea," they agreed.

Meanwhile at the Maiden's peak,Kanto

A small crowd are gathered in front of an old short ugly woman.

The woman was telling the story of the beautiful maiden who's husband went to a war and never come back

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The woman was telling the story of the beautiful maiden who's husband went to a war and never come back. The maiden wait, wait and wait but he never come back. Then one day the maiden died at the sea shore. People then built a statue of her in her respect. "People says that the maiden's spirit is still trapped inside the statue, waiting for her beloved husband" the old woman said. Few moments later, she was walking and observing everyone. Suddenly her eyes stopped on a certain person. The person was none other then Adham. 'An aura guardian, maybe he can help' the old lady thought while walks towards him. "Young man, please come near the statue tonight at 12:00 am" she said to him and leave. Adham was looking at her going.'She isn't a human' he thought.
At night,12:00am
Adham walks to the place where the statue was. The old woman was waiting. "Glad you came aura guardian " She said with a smile. "What are you? Clearly you are not a human" Adham said. The old lady was surprised. "How?" She asked. Adham said,"You don't have any human aura. Now tell me.what are you?"He said. The old woman said,"Guess you are an aura guardian. I am no human. I am the gass pokemon Gastly."She said and transformed.

Adham asked, "Why did you call me here?"Gastly said," I

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Adham asked, "Why did you call me here?"
Gastly said," we need your help." Adham said, "What kind of help?" "You know about the maiden's story,right?" Gastly said. Adham nods. Gastly said,"The Maiden's spirit is still trapped in this world. Those people who built this statue to show respect to her actually trapped her in this mortal world. She is trapped inside the statue. She couldn't go out from the statue so she is unable to go to the afterlife and reunite with her husband."Gastly sighed. Adham said, "That's awful." Gastly nods and said," As a ghost pokemon i can communicate with her. She is in endless pain inside of that statue. I want you to free her." Adham asked,"How will i help her?" Gastly said," Use your aura and break the statue into pieces. Then throw them in the sea. It is the only way."
Adham then walks to the statue and put both of his hands on the statue. Then closed his eyes and focused on his inner energy. His body started glow blue. He started channelling his aura into the statue. The Statue started shaking then one time it brock into pieces. Adham took the pieces and throw them into the sea. Then the Spirit of the maiden appears in front of him.

 Then the Spirit of the maiden appears in front of him

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The Maiden said,"Thank you Aura guardian. You are the reason me being free. Now i can finally reunite with my love. I bless you,you will find your true love soon." Then she disappeared. The Gastly said,"Thank you Aura guardian. I am greatful to you that you help my friend." Adham said,"Now what will you do?" The Gastly said, "I have a dream to travel around the world. And i want to do it all by myself. Farewell aura guardian. I hope we crossed each other's path again." He then leaves the place. Adham went back to his rent cottage.
Next morning, everyone was shockes to see the statue disappeared. They started gossiping what happened to the statue. Some said it was stolen,some says the spirit of maiden has left with it.But the truth knew only Adham Ketchum.

Next day in Lumiose city, Kalos

Ilene,Hilda and Johanna was going to Lumiose mall for shopping. They buy dresses and many other things. After that they took a snack break in mall's cafeteria.
While eating Hilda asked Johanna, "So Johanna,tell me about pokemon contest". Johanna said," Well,pokemon contest has two parts. One is performing and other is battling. First part is performing. In this part, pokemon shows their moves by attractive and beautiful performance. If their performance is good enough then they can go to 2nd part which is battling. In battle part pokemons will battle by using their moves and attacks in an attractive way." Hilda said,"Well that's sounds like awesome but i think i am gonna stick with battling. What about you Ilene?" Ilene said," I Don't know. I heared about Pokemon showcase in Kalos. It's like a pokemon contest. But pokemon and trainer both perform here. And it has no battle part. I think i will try this."
After that they head back towards the Academy. In their way they saw a poor woman with poor, dirty cloths holding a baby. A bread was fallen on the ground and the woman was trying to pick it. But she couldn't going there because of the crowed. The girls felt sorry for the woman and about to go help the woman. Suddenly a huge psychic wave hits everyone and almost stopped them. Everyone was stopped where they were and looked confused thinking what hit them. Then Ilene saw Jafar is walking through the crowd. He picks the bread up and cleaned it by brushing the dirts and dust of from it. Then he walks to the woman. "Selfish world never stops for anyone ", he said to the woman," we have to stop it by ourselves." Then he hold the bread towards her. The woman hesitates and looked at the people around her. Everyone was looking at her and Jafar. "Don't worry about them" Jafar said,"No one is stronger than you. The biggest warrior of the world is a mother."
Then he gives her the bread. The woman took the bread. A small smile was in her face. Jafar walks away leaving a happy mother and a speechless and impressed crowed behind. The girls were completely shocked. Hilda said,"That deep". Johanna said,"What a amazing incident". Ilene was silence. She was both impressed and surprised. Because she noticed a thing that no one did. The psychic wave that hits everyone was came from Jafar. But everyone thought it must be came from a pokemon nearby. But Ilene realised it because she is an aura guardian. Suddenly she blushed a little.
That's all for today. Hope you all like it. It was supposed to be my women's day special but for some problem i couldn't published it yesterday. So happy women's day special to all. I also added a moment from movie KGF in this story.

That part is my favourite KGF moment so i decided to add it. After all,mother is the most respected woman in the world. Please ignor my spelling and grammatical mistakes. Leave your opinions and thoughts in the comments. Don't forget to vote my story. If your new then follow my story. See you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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