This is my first story. I am gonna use the information and events from Manga,Games and anime. I am also use aome new characters and theories about pokemon. Hope you all wil like it.In this book i will add many charecters. Also i will try to bring e...
A boy entered. It was the same boy who received Charmander from Professor Oak. He asked,"Anyone here?" A man with spiky hair and almost closed eyes walks in.
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"Who are you? What do you want", The man asked. The boy said, " I am Giovanni and i am here for my gym challenge. " The man said,"I am Flint Harrison, the gym leader of pewter city gym. I accept your challenge. It will be a two on two battle". Giovanni said,"Let's get this over with".
Adham entered in the city. "Phew,finally i have reached the city" he said. He stops and looks around. 'Hmm' He thinks himself, 'Pewter city is grey'. Then he started walking towads the pokemon centre. Suddenly he saw a yellow rodent comes in running.
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A group of 9 angry people was running after it.At last the pokemon stopped in a dead end. Then the group block all the way to escape. Then it use a powerful thunderbolt which making everyone faint. Then the pokemon run away. Adham was impressed. The pokemon just knocked out 9 fully grown man with only one shot of thunderbolt. Then he walks to Pokemon centre. "Welcome," Nurse joy smiles and said,"Are you here to heal your pokemon? " Adham said,"Yes please. Also i want a room for the night." Nurse joy said,"Okay no problem." She took the pokemons. Adham heared two people are talking about the Pikachu of pewter city. He walks to them and asked,"Excuse me,are you two talking about the same Pikachu that knocked out 9 people today?" "yes,we are talking about the same one",one of them said. Adham asked," Can you tell me about that pokemon? "The other one said, " You see, our gym leader Flint Harrison was it's trainer. He used to play with it when he was young. But when he become the gym leader, he released it." "What! Why?" Adham asked. The man replied, "Because pewter gym is a rock type pokemon gym and pikachu is an electric type. He released it thinking it will be find a good trainer for itself since he cannot give it time for training with rock and ground type. Since then the Pikachu is running wild and causing trouble to people." "Oh,so that's it's story" Adham said. He couldn't but felt sorry for the little rodent. After healing his pokemon and taking rest,Adham walked out from the pokemon centre. Then he started walking towards the the museum. In meantime Giovanni came out from the Gym with boulder badge and started walikng towards the Pokemon centre. When Adham reached the Museum, he noticed the Pikachu from earlier right in front of the museum. He decided to catch it. He sends out his Bulbasaur. "Bulbasaur use vine whip" Adham commands.Bulbasaur used vine whip but Pikachu jumps and dodged it. Then it sends a thunderbolt. "Dodge and use stun spore" Adham said. Bulbasaur dodged and used stun spore. Pikachu become paralysed because of the stun spore. 'This is the right moment 'Adham thinks. "Bulbasaur use vine whip" he said. Two vines came out of Bulbasaur's back and grab pikachu. Pikachu smirks and used thunder shock. Bulbasaur gets hit and screams. "Oh no Bulbasaur, " Adham said in worry"Bulbasaur use razor leaf". Sharp leaves came out from Bulbasaur's bulb and hit Pikachu. Pikachu fall down. Adham quickly tossed a pokeball and captured it. Later he let's Pikachu out of the ball. Pikachu was both angry and confused.Adham sits on his knee and looks at Pikachu. He checks his aura. Then said,"I know how you felt Pikachu". Pikachu looks at him confused. "You were a wonderful friend to your trainer," Adham said,"You had so many good memories with him. You two were buddys. But at the end he abounded you only because your type. You felt hurt,brocken,betrayed". Pikachu looks down sadly. Few tears drops out from it's eyes. Adham looks at it and said," It's difficult to trust after getting betrayed. It's also hard to forget the past. But it's not impossible". Pikachu looks at him. Adham smiles," How about a new beginning. Let's become partner Pikachu." Pikachu looks at him.It feels something in it's heart. It seems like this man isn't going to betray him. It slowly walks at him and keeps it's paw on his hand. Adham said,"Thanks for trusting me Pikachu."
In Fucia city,Kanto
A man with bold head and white mustache walks to a hut.
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He knocks on the door. Another man of his age opened the door.
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First man smiles. "Hello Dr. Fuji,may i come in?" he asked. Dr.Fuji said,"Sure Dr. Blane, Come inside". They entered in the hut. Dr. Fuji asked, " So why are you here? Dr. Blane asked," I heared about your cloning project. You have discovered a way to make a genetically advanced and modified clone of any pokemon. " Dr.Fuji sighs and said,"Yes, i did." Dr. Blane asked,"Then why did you stopped? " Dr. Fuji said,"I don't have money to run the project anymore. After a lot of failed experiments, Pokemon research Institute stopped funding me." Dr. Blane said,"I am giving you an Offer. My boss will fund your project if you do something for her." Dr. Fuji become excited. "Really! What do i have to do? I will do anything", He said. Dr. Blane smirks and said, " You have to make a clone of Mew". Dr. Fuji said,"You are telling me that if i make a clone of a pokemon that nobody saw for a long time, a pokemon that is consider extinct then your boss will fund my project? That's a very rude joke Dr.Blane. Dr Blane said,"I am not joking. Mew could be extinct but some it did exist once. So it's fossilized remaining can be found. My biggest achievement till now is the resurrection machine which can be revive extinct pokemon . I already have revived an arodactyl from an old ember. Combination of our cloning project and my resurrection machine can make the modified clone of Mew. So what do you say?". Dr. Fuji thinks for a moment before accepting the offer. _________________________________________________ That's all for today. I am using Silver as young Giovanni. Because Giovanni is also one of the main characters in my story.I got the idea of pikachu from Manga. I am showing Brock's father as pewter city's gym leader. And i have decided to add something about mewtwo.also please ignor the spelling mistakes. If you are new then follow me. Don't forget to vote and comment.