12 ~ 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙

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I woke with a gasp. It took me a minute to gather my surroundings, and I realized that I was huddled in the corner in the back of a semi-truck. Thomas and Brenda were already awake, packing their bags. They looked up at me when I sat up. "You're awake," Thomas said, and threw me a water bottle. I drank from it gratefully, letting the cool water moisten the dry patches on my tongue. "You okay? You look kinda pale."

"I'm okay," I replied. "It was just... my dream. It was a memory."

"What do you remember?" Brenda asked eagerly, opening the back of the truck and letting the sunshine and heat in.

"Well, you were there," I said to Thomas. "And Teresa. I was talking to a few of the Gladers before they went into the Maze."

Thomas nodded. "I remember that day," he said sympathetically. "You were crying."

"Yeah," I said. "Because I was speaking to Newt, and Janson was there..." The both of them stiffened at the mention of Janson. "Janson let it slip that the Grievers were in the Maze. Newt freaked out, and he was dragged from the room. And that's why I was crying." I thought hard, straining to remember the dream. "I cared about him a lot..." Thomas, for some reason, avoided my eyes.


"Uhh... nothing."

"No, it's not nothing. You know something. Tell me, Thomas."

"Fine." I raised my eyebrows. That was quick; Thomas must be dying to tell me, even though he probably shouldn't. "I shouldn't be saying this, but he loves you."

We all froze in the truck. Brenda was looking at Thomas incredulously, shaking her head. She had a small smile on her face, as if she was also in on this. 

"He what?"

"Newt is going to murder you," Brenda stated to Thomas matter-of-factly. I whirled on her.

"You knew about this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Are you that blind? We all knew."

I was shaking my head. "No way. You're lying."

"Why would we lie?"

"Why would be in love with me?"

Thomas threw up his hands. "I dunno, ask him! Are you happy or not?" He and Brenda jumped out of the truck and their feet plunged into the sand. I followed numbly.

"I- I don't know..." I replied. I was feeling dizzy. How was this possible? Newt was my best friend; probably the person who knew me the best. Even though my whole body seemed numb with shock, I could feel my fingertips tingling with something... excitement? And my heart was racing. And how am I supposed to face him after this? Supposedly, it would be this evening when we reunite with the others. The awkwardness. Shuck it. I'll just have to act like I know nothing, right? Until I can make up my mind.

"Lottie? We need to get moving."

"I... okay..." I stumbled forward, unsure on my own two feet. We set off across the dunes as the sun rose, casting shadows on the sand beneath us. I spent the journey wiggling my fingers and watching my shadow mirror me. It helped with the shock, and it slowed my quickly beating heart.

After hours of walking, we finally entered the city. The buildings were stained with mud and dirt, and the bricks were cracked. The streets were covered in sand. Between the buildings, tarps had been hung, creating a sort of shelter. People sat under the tarps; hair tousled and eyes empty. People were also milling about the streets, but they seemed to be avoiding each other. They kept their eyes on the ground and skirted at least six feet around each other.

One of the buildings seemed to vibrate with music; the bass shook the walls, and even the ground outside. The building was draped in colorful cloths and curtains. I instantly knew that we were in the right place. Brenda stopped in front of the doors. "They should be somewhere in there," she said.

"Is that music?" Thomas asked, and she nodded.

"It's a party. Infected go there to dance away the rest of their lives." I shuddered. Two people approached us; a woman dressed very provocatively and a man with a scraggly haircut.

"Hey there," the woman said. "You kids here for the party?" Thomas opened his mouth to reply, but Brenda kicked him in the ankle.

"Yes," she lied. "May we be let in?"

"Sure thing," The woman said, and snapped behind her at the man. He took a small bottle out of his jacket. "You just need to drink this first." The bottle was shoved right in Brenda's face.

"No, I don't think that's necessary," she said emotionlessly.

Suddenly, the woman whipped a gun out of her coat and pressed it to Thomas' head. He stopped fidgeting. I gasped. Brenda took one look at Thomas' frightened face and snatched the bottle. She took a sip, and shuddered, passing it to Thomas. He drank, and then gagged, spluttering. He handed it to me. I hesitated, and then brought the bottle up to my lips, but kept them closed. I had no idea what this drink would do to our minds; at least one of us had to be normal when we walked in there. The man and woman chuckled.

"Very good," the woman said and opened the door. The music blasted through. Thomas and I followed Brenda into the building.

It was dimly lit. The crowd was thick; we weaved through the sea of dancing bodies. A dusty bar occupied the back of the room, and a bartender was swaying to the beat whilst pouring drinks. It looked like the same kind the woman just forced us to drink. I scanned the room, looking for a familiar face.

"I don't see them!" I called to the others over the music.

"I guess we just wait here then," Brenda called back, head bobbing to the beat. "Dance with me," she said to Thomas, smiling lazily. I looked at Thomas, expecting him to refuse, but to my surprise, he joined her. He had the same smile on his face. What was wrong with them?

They put their arms around each other, joining the crowd. I tried to stay as close as possible to them. Their eyes were glazed. Then it hit me: the drink. The people at the front drugged them. I watched as Brenda grabbed Thomas' face and brought it towards her own, straight into a passionate kiss. I made a disgusted face. Thomas pushed Brenda away. She gave him a questioning look.

"You're - you're not her," Thomas murmured, just loud enough so we could both hear. Hurt flashed across Brenda's face. I knew who 'her' was. Teresa. I couldn't contemplate why he still cared about her, but who was I to talk? Pretty much the only memory I had of her is her saying that I had to be locked up, to be sent into the Maze.

A movement in the crowd caught my attention. The man and woman from before were storming towards us, this time joined by another man. I tugged on Brenda's sleeve.

"We need to move," I said urgently. She made a noncommittal noise. "Come on," I said, taking her by the arm and Thomas by the back of his shirt as I tried to get away from the people coming after us.

I tried to duck behind the bar, but it was too late. Thomas stumbled and fell to the floor; I let go of Brenda to help him up, but I was lifted away, my hands forced behind my back. Thomas was wrenched off of the floor. I saw his eyes flutter shut, and I thrashed around, wanting to go to his aid. Brenda was lifted from behind the bar. She didn't even try to fight as the woman pressed a cloth over her nose and mouth.

I tried to yank my hands free, kicking and shouting. My foot collided with the man's knee, and he shouted in pain. I felt a sharp blow to the side of my head, and then a cloth was pressed to my face as well. I took in a sharp breath, but immediately regretted it.

My head spun, and my thoughts could only go to one word. Chloroform


Thomas gossips like a teenage girl I swear. Vote if you liked it!

- golden habit 

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