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I had the biggest headache in my life that morning.

But that wasn't too bad, because a goddess was sleeping right next to me.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and she woke up.

Diana rubbed her eyes and looked around.

"Good morning.", I said.

"Good morning,.. uh where are we?", she wanted to know.

"At some kind of hotel, I don't remember anything.", I laughed.

She noticed that she had no clothes on and covered herself to go to the bathroom.

A few minutes later she came back. And I put my clothes on as well.

"Michael. . So what happened last night?", she asked.

"What do you think? Love."

"Sit, please. We have to talk.."

"Is something wrong?", I wanted to know.

"Do you love me?", Diana asked.

"Yes, of course I do!", I replied.

"Well, Michael this all.. it wont work.", she said.

"Why not? I love you and I want to make you happy!"

"Look, I love you too but in another way. I am so sorry. I was dating Arne as well the whole time. I wanted to know who of you both would be better for me and Arne.. I am in love with him.", Diana explained.

"Why are you making me suffer?", I asked. My eyes became teary.

"I don't want to, but I have no other choice, this wont work. You will find somebody else, I am sure.", she smiled a little.

I nodded and some tears ran down my face.

"I have to go now. Goodbye.", she said.

I took my jacket and called Marlon to pick me up.

I waited at the parking area for him. We talked about what just happened.

"Man, there are other women who are crazy about you, don't be sad, I mean Diana is old. You're too good for her. There are many hot fishes in the ocean.", Marlon explained when we were halfway home.

"I don't know. I really wanted to marry her.", I replied.

"Ah come on! You'll find a young beautiful girl who will make you happy. I am sure! You're too young to marry right now."

"Yeah I hope so. But what if I find somebody, this girl will probably hate me for never having time for her because of the tours and other stuff. I mean Diana is a singer too, at least she could relate.", I said.

"If she really loves you, she will accept it, trust me. Look at Carol and I, it still works.", Marlon told.

"Thank you, Marlon."

"For what?", he asked while he parked.

"For being here for me, for the ride and talk.", I explained.

"Anytime, dude. We're brothers!", he replied.

I smiled.

We entered the house. I was still living with my family but I wanted to move out soon.

I have always dreamed of a huge Villa with a Zoo, Playgrounds and a Water park.

And I also wanted to share my life with Diana but she left me for another man.

One thing I learned about my father was, that no one should take everything for granted. Nobody could have everything.

I went to my room and sat on my bed and cried the whole evening, til my mother came into my room.

"Michael, what happened?", she asked.

"I am sad... Diana..", I stuttered.

"What happened to her?"

"Nothing, don't worry. She.. she told me this morning that she is seeing Arne and that she loves him.", I told.

"Oh my baby, I am sorry but those things happen. You're still very young, I am sure that you'll find a beautiful young woman to share your life with. And not only that you're young, you're handsome and nice, every woman would like to have a boyfriend like you. Don't worry too much about it. Distract yourself, it will help you.", my mother said and kissed my head.

"I love you.", she hugged me.

"I love you, too, mom"

My mother left the room and I started reading a book.

I didn't had much time to relax but when I had the time for it, I read.

The next days I fought against the pain which Diana caused.

I couldn't think of anything else. My heart felt so heavy and all I wanted to do was to lay around.

Days later decided to focus on other things, like music, reading, my family and upcoming events.

I wondered if Diana still wanted to go with me to the Grammy Awards.

I wondered what she was doing. If she was happy with Arne.
I wanted to know if she did the same things with him which she did with me.

Quincy called me a week after my birthday.

"Hello Michael, this is Quincy. We wanted to make another music video for your album. We suggest 'She's Out Of My Life'. What do you think?", he asked.

"Yeah it sounds great, I'll be at the studio tomorrow at nine.", I replied.

She's Out Of My Life.. I could totally relate to this song right now.

Diana is gone and I am left with a broken heart.

I had to let go.

For All Time I - It's The Falling In Love (Michael Jackson & Christina Grimmie)Where stories live. Discover now