welcome to the game

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(Y/N) looked down at her legs, seeing the numerous bruises that trailed along her thighs, a deep burgundy red that stood out against her skin. And the worst part? Her skirt couldn't cover them all.

She had a feeling that Bokuto sensei had done that on purpose because as she stared down her front, all she could see were his roses. Peeking out from beneath the material, it was almost as if she could hear the hickeys laughing at her misfortune.

"Okay shit shit" she muttered, helplessly looking around the girls bathroom - hoping to find a solution somewhere there. Nishinoya is so utterly dead once she gets her hands on him, she will take great pleasure in strangling the life out of him. Since it was his amazing idea to take her school jacket away because he knew she'd just hide away inside of it like usual.

(Y/N) could use her bag to cover her legs but she had an inkling they could be seen from the back as well. The girl barely managed to slip by the class of first years that were waiting outside of Bokuto's classroom so she doubts she could manage for the rest of the day. "Please kill me" she moaned lowly, slamming her head against the bathroom stall.

Already late to Business, she might as well skip the rest of the class - if only to save her the embarrassment of facing that man again. But she knew that wasn't possible. Tempted, (Y/N) thought about texting Nishinoya to come to the bathroom and bring the jacket with him but that had a 0.001% chance of working since Tsukishima sensei was always strict on bathroom breaks.

Biting her lip, she wracked her brain for possibilities. Either to skip this lesson and wait out until lunch but that could possibly end up getting her in trouble if she was caught skipping. The girl took a deep breath, maybe she could go to the office and search through the 'lost & found' box for a sweater or jacket. That could work.

There weren't many choices to pick from so she decided to try that out. Maybe she'll get lucky. With that in mind, she set off on her perilous journey to the school office, praying for luck to be on her side. What could go wrong?

Everything apparently.

Holding her bag in front of her legs, she crept out of the bathroom, warily checking to see if the coast was clear from any students or teachers. Mentally counting to three, (Y/N) scurried down the corridor, ducking slightly whilst jogging past ongoing classes that had windows looking inside the rooms.

Feeling like James Bond, the girl glanced over her shoulder, checking that the corridor was empty. Internally crying at the good sign, she turned the corner whilst making sure nobody noticed her suspicious wandering. Only to find herself walk into a solid wall - funny, because she was quite certain that the corner would lead her down another hallway.

The impact made her stumble backwards, bag slipping from her fingers as the oxygen was knocked out of her. Her heels tipped backwards, feeling her world dip slowly. "Fuck me" she swore loudly, desperately trying to grab onto the wall to stop her from falling.

A firm hand wrapped around her upper arm - holding her body as if it was weightless. "Shit, you okay?" gruffed a deep voice.

(Y/N) looked up, finding olive green eyes intensely gazing down at her from an overwhelming height. It took her a couple of seconds to realize who it was but by then her mind had already combusted.

Iwaizumi Hajime arched a brow in question. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Shaking her head, her hand nervously tugged at her skirt, desperately pushing the material lower to make sure the music teacher hadn't caught sight of the mosaic of colour elegantly painted on her thighs. "Nope, all good sensei".

Taken aback by the bright and chipper spill of words that came from the fidgeting girl, Iwaizumi nodded, attempting to soften his facial expression. "I'm glad to hear that."

A thought suddenly came to him as he realized something. "Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

"Oh umm yeah" she stammered, looking anywhere but at the man in front of her. "I was just on my way. I had to stay back to talk to one of the teachers so that's why I'm a little late."

Furiously praying that he wouldn't question it any further, to her great relief he accepted her plausible excuse. Iwaizumi looked behind her, soundlessly registering that the girl just came from the science corridor. "Alright, I'll leave you to it."

Iwaizumi let go of her arm, bright eyes trailing to the side as he noticed that her bag had fallen onto the floor. "Oh sorry about that, let me get it for yo-."

He bent down, grabbing her backpack only to have the rest of his sentence die out when he caught sight of the girl's legs - more importantly her thighs.

(Y/N) immediately perceived that something was wrong when the brown-haired man went silent. She looked down, finding him to be intently staring at her bare legs, frozen with mild surprise painted over his handsome face. She wanted nothing more than to perish in that exact moment.

Iwaizumi's olive green eyes hotly traced over the bruised skin, going higher as far as the skirt would allow before the hickeys disappeared teasingly beneath the material. But he continued moving his stare until he found her horror-filled eyes clashing with his.

He straightened up, her bag in his hand as he handed it to her with a clear of his throat. (Y/N) thanked him quietly, just barely managing to get something out because her body was rooted to the spot. Iwaizumi didn't say anything at first, both to her relief and fear of what was going to happen. Instead, he wordlessly used one hand to take off the black pullover that he was wearing over his dress-shirt.

The action caused for his shirt to come untucked which showed a flickering glimpse of a toned tan v-line peeking out from his pants - the golden skin tensing appealingly.

Her breath died in her throat when his hands brushed against her waist, tying it around. The large pullover fell to her knees, the long sleeves covering her front legs. Riddled with shock, (Y/N) didn't know what to do or say in that moment.

"You're the girl they're betting on aren't you?"

Iwaizumi tightened the knot around the girl's waist, hooking a hand between the loop as he leaned down slightly, forcing her to crane her head to meet the man's nonchalant expression.

"I'm sorry?" she said instead, not quite sure she heard him right. "Bokuto isn't really subtle" he scoffed lightly, grip securing around the tied knot, pulling her body closer to his until she could smell his cologne. "At first I wasn't interested in the game but now..."

"...I think it's time that I show them what a real man can do."

(Y/N)'s inhaled sharply, feeling incredibly small underneath his looming height and burning green eyes. "I'm not quite sure I follow sensei."

A ghost of a smile flashed across Iwaizumi's lips. "It's funny to see them fight and run after you. But no, I don't do that. Want to know why?"

She blinked, anxiously keeping their eyes together because she couldn't look away even if she tried; he had her entirely trapped.

Hooking his forefinger beneath her chin, he raised her head, voice dropping down to a whisper that ended with a faint growl rumbling in his throat. "Because you'll come to me instead."

Iwaizumi let go, stepping away to walk around her, leaving her frozen on the spot. "See you soon princess."

Nishinoya was right - Iwaizumi Hajime was now a part of the game. 

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