their firecracker

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Atsumu blinked once, smirk dropping as both eyebrows rose high enough to disappear into his bleach blonde hair.

Osamu choked between the girl's legs as his brother barked out a loud laugh upon seeing how serious the question was posed. "A man between her legs, tongue-fucking her an she's wonderin' if it's wrong or nah."

(Y/N) burned with embarrassment, especially when she felt the smile against her inner thigh - she truly was on a roll with her stupidity today.

Atsumu peered down at her, his hand itching along his twin's neck until he grabbed a fistful of the grey strands, yanking Osamu's head backwards as he leaned his face close to his brother's. "We can make it, if ya want darlin'?"

Wiping his thumb underneath the greynette's mouth, Atsumu brought it to his lips whilst holding her eyes and making a show of sucking off her arousal. "We can make it a real show fer ya, whaddya say Samu?"

Slowly licking his lips, Osamu swallowed roughly from the sharp angle Atsumu was holding his head in. "Fuck off" he scowled hotly, jerking his head away from the blonde much to the man's amusement. "I shoulda have ate ya in the womb."

Feigning hurt, Atsumu put his hands on his hips. "Well then ya life woulda been boring."

The twins bickered back and forth as she watched with wide eyes, chest rising and falling quickly. She was so lost, she didn't know whether to run or just continue sitting on her teacher's shoulders. The books dug into her spine, a dull ache settling between her shoulder blades.

"Shut yer mouth."

"Ya fucking pig."

Osamu's grip around her thighs tightened, fingers digging into the skin. Her legs tensed up in both alarm and faint pain. Should she leave or...?

His tongue glided between her lips, feverishly flicking against her clit with renewed vigour, no doubt thanks to his twin's constant comments that would make Osamu growl repeatedly. The action managed to pull a small moan from her, pleasure spiking her system.

Light fingertips traveled across her chest, trailing goosebumps in their wake the higher they went. Softly skimming her collarbones, Atsumu gently stroked her neck a few times. A lazy smile hung from his mouth which widened when his palm wrapped around (Y/N)'s throat, putting pressure.

Lips hovering above hers, his breath was warm as he forced the girl to look upwards. "I wonder, where did the lil' firecracker from this mornin' go?" asked Atsumu innocently. "Yer very quiet, why is that?"

She couldn't answer even if she had one - his grip was starting to tighten.

He leaned in as to hear her better. "I'm sorry I didn' quite catch that darlin'."

Osamu's grey eyes caught hers, steadily holding whilst his tongue delved between her folds, slick with spit; the corners of his lips were high, the barest hint of teeth making an appearance.

Grin lazy and relaxed, Atsumu dragged his thumb along her lips, pushing it teasingly. "Samu" he purred lowly, the sound making alarm bells ring like crazy in her head.

All his counterpart did was hum once, seemingly understanding what the other meant.

No one could ever hope to read them like they read each other.

Osamu shifted beneath her legs, adjusting his grip and support better, his warm breath fluttering between her legs and making them squeeze together but she couldn't so much as pay it any attention because Atsumu made sure to direct it elsewhere.

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